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*Time skip to the day of the parade*

I sigh as I stared out the window. It was night but the town was awake.

Blue and yellow lights flashed as people cheered.

I couldn't wait to get out of this fancy clothing. It was making my skin itch.

I had patting almost all around my body which I'm assuming was my "armor". It was pressed close to my body which really defined my curves.

I was wearing a different cape. Instead of my normal black one with a blue underside I had a completely dark navy blue one with white feathers on the collar.

I had grey somewhat baggy pants but they were tucked into my boots which made me look ridiculous. And of course, can't forget about the 10 pound crown on my head.

I twist the sword anxiously in my hands. It had the cover on it so I wouldn't accidentally hurt myself with it.

Then there was faint knocks at my door.

"Sir George, it's time", the maid says.

I give her a quick "Okay" before opening the door.

I kept my eyes to the floor as I walked besides her. Perhaps there was an easier way to do this then flat out running away. But hey it won't hurt to try.

"Nervous?", she asks.

"I guess you can say that", I softly reply.

"The King and Queen are right outside", she says as we stopped at the front door. I hum and push the door open. "Sir George!", The Queen exclaims as she smiles.

I feel the guilt begin to raise as she neared me. "You should start to head to your float now. We'll meet you out there", The King says as he patted my back. I quickly nod and began to walk over to the side of the palace.

Once I was out of their sight I swiftly turn towards the back gate. I tried my best to stay hidden in the shadows. Letting out a couple of complaints when my cape would get stuck on near by bushes.

But at last, the gate was in view. I start to rush over.

"Hey!", I hear someone shout.


I stop in my tracks and turn to the voice.

It was Liam.

"Where are you heading. Last time I checked the float was over there", He said in a firm voice. He was wearing pretty much the same thing as me except his cape was more simple.

"I-I just need to grab something really quick", I say as I continued on walking. But suddenly Liam began to chuckle behind me. I turn to give him a confused look.

"You really think you can leave just like that", He says with a smug look.

"W-What are you talking about?"

"Oh you know very much what I'm talking about Sir George", He starts to walk closer.

"You think you can just run away and go live off with your little boyfriend"


"Let's just say, I overheard your sorry of an escape plan"

"D-Don't you want me gone?"

"When I first heard it I thought 'Yes finally he'd be gone' but then I realized if you stayed here, you'd suffer since you hate it that much. So that's exactly what I'm gonna do"

I dodged as he tried to grab me.

I quickly turn to run off but he steps on my cape which causes me to fall. He grabs my arms but I begin to pry him off of me. He was pretty strong for his age.

"Let me go!", I shout.

"We are gonna go to that float and I'm gonna show everyone in town how much of a pathetic of a Guardian you are"

With one good yank I managed to get an arm free. Then without thinking a punch Liam right in the face which makes him fall back into a tree. I stumble back as well, in shock but quickly fled the scene.

I got to get out of here before I get noticed.

"Open the gate", I demanded as I walked up to the guard.

"Sir George? Shouldn't you be at the parade"

"It's urgent. Just open the bloody gate!"

"V-Very well"

I then slip through the gate, not even waiting for it to fully open.

I grab my cape in one hand while I held my sword tightly in the other. I push my way through bushes.

Then that's when I see orange and yellow flames light up the dark forest.

I almost tripped over my feet when I got to the area.

"George!", Clay exclaims as he wraps an arm around me while he held a torch in the other. But I push him away.

"We have to go now. Liam knows about our plan", I say as I turned to take off my cape, throwing somewhere on the wagon.

Gypsy neighs besides Stratus as she heard my voice.

The wagon was practically overflowing with all the boxes and bags it had.

I turn back to Clay who staring at my pants for some reason.

"What?", I ask.

"Oh uh n-nothing", he says as he looks away, clearing his throat.

I just shake my head. "Where's Milo"

"He's in his box at the front"

I walk over and step on the little platform that helps you get on, leaning over to slide the box over to myself.

I look down and see Patches wrapped around Milo protectively. I smile as I gently pet her. She purrs into the touch.

I slowly slide the box back to where it was before.

I step down and turn back to see Clay still staring at me.

"What is it really? Do I have something on me?", I say.

"N-No you just look...really good"

"T-Thanks", I lightly bite the inside of my cheek as I felt the blush begin to form on my face.

"A-Anyways, we really need to get going befor-"

"There they are!", a guard shouts.
1005 words.

Cliffhanger hehe 😜

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