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I finally found my way out of the castle into a small garden. I lightly began to graze my fingers against the beautiful flowers.

"You don't deserve to be The Chosen One", someone says behind me. I turn around to see Liam.

"And I suppose you do?"

"Yes! It's ridiculous that a person like you gets chosen when I have been training for my whole life"

"Might want to have a change of heart then if you want it so bad"

He glares at me again. "You're really ungrateful. Imagine the amount of people who wants this-"

"Yes I'm aware of that. Look I really don't want to deal with you right now", I say as I walk pass him. But suddenly I get pushed to the ground.

"I bet you can't even throw a punch", he says.

"Listen! I don't want to fight you over something stupid like this", I say as I stood up, dusting off my pants.

I finally left the area, going towards the gate. The guards see me then open the gate.

"I'll uh be back soon", I tell one of the guards.

"Very well", he says as he bows his head down. I began walking down the long path to the town.

I'll just chill in the park for the bit and come back.

I was relieved to see the park in sight. 

"Look everyone there he is!", a girl shouts as she pointed at me across the street.

Oh god...

I stop and look at her but kindly wave at her. Suddenly a whole group of people appeared behind her and began to walk over to me.

The second I picked up the past they all rushed the way over. And I was soon surround.

"Sir George can I get an autograph!?"

"Sir George!"

"What's it like being our new town guardian?"

The more closer they got the more overwhelmed I got. "I'm sorry everyone but I have to go", I say as I try walk through them. But they continued to follow me.

Once I got some distance, I made a break for it. And when I just far enough, I hid away into an alleyway.

I sit down besides a rubbish bin. I hear the crowd run past and I let out a sigh of relief.

All of this attention is getting out of hand.

I try my best to come down my nerves as I focused on my breathing.

I wish Clay was here.

I managed to sneak back into the palace without getting spotted.

I sigh as I walked through the hallway.

"Sir George!", I turn around to see the maid.

Sudden Protagonist {dnf}Where stories live. Discover now