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*Next day*
Clay and George walked alongside each other as they both strolled through town.

They were in their own little world as they talked to one another.

"And here we are!", George exclaims as he stops in front of the shop.

Ironically enough it was named "Scoops of Yum"

"What flavor you gonna get?", Clay asks as they walked in.

"I'm going get *insert name* what about you?"

"I'm gonna get chocolate"

"What! You got to get something else. There's so many flavors that are better than chocolate"
(No offense to the chocolate lovers)

"Hmm", the blond began to scan through all the various flavors. "Is this one good?", he asks as he pointed.

"I think I remember having that once. So yeah probably"

"Alright then I'll get that one"

Once they gotten their ice cream they headed back outside.

"Want to go eat this at the park", George asks.


"Come on let's hurry before they start to melt"

Lucky for them the park wasn't that far of a walk.

They both go to sit themselves on a small wooden bench that was on the side of the path they were on.

"I honestly want to try yours first. It looks really interesting", George says.

Clay's ice cream was very multicolored with a few toppings that he added. "Go ahead", Clay says once he removed the lid.

They both dip their spoons in the frozen dessert, taking a spoon full each.

Clay and George look at each other as they took a bite.

"Woah", they both say in sync.
(In sync bb 😏)

"Its like sweet with a hint of sourness", the brunette says.

"Yeah. It's not bad"

George then began to open up his ice cream. "Can I try some if yours?", Clay asks. To which the brunette nods.

"Get ready to taste the best flavor ever"

Then once again they both took a bite at the same time. "Ooo I like this one. It's like sweet and plain but mostly sweet", Clay says as he gets another spoon full.

"Told you it's good"

After Clay ate his portion the brunette starts to giggle. "What's so funny?", the blond asks.

"Nothing you just got some ice cream on your beard"

"Did I really?", he says as he reaches a hand up to wipe it, but completely misses. "No right here", George says as he points at his own face. But again the blond misses it.

"Pff, here let me help", the brunette says. He lightly licks his thumb and goes to clean the ice cream off. Clay watched as George wiped the dessert off his face. Once George was done he locks eyes with the blond.

"You totally just mommed me", Clay laughs. "I did not", the brunette chuckled as he ate more of his ice cream.

"You totally did"

"Did not"

"Did too"

"Alright fine maybe I did", George says as he scoffed.

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