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(This chapter is mostly dialogue)  

*Next day*
*George's POV*

"Something on your mind Sir George?", The Queen asks as we ate dinner.

The dinner table was big. The King sat on one side of the table while The Queen sat at the other end. Then there I was, sitting at the middle of the table in my stupid fancy clothes. It felt really awkward because their eyes were on me the whole time. 

"No Your Majesty", I say as I poked at my food.

In all honestly I was thinking about something.

About what Clay said last night.

Running away.

I know I said the plan was ridiculous but what if it's the only way for me to not be the Guardian anymore.

"You know we should do a parade in your honor", The Queen suddenly says.

"You are absolutely right honey", The King replies.

"In who's honor", I ask.

Q: "Why your's of course"

G: "But why?"

K: "We haven't have a Guardian in years. We got to celebrate whilst we still can"

G: "I'm not much of an attention person.."

Q: "Well that's gonna have to change sweetheart. You must to connect with the town's people. You are protecting them after all"

G: "When is this happening?"

Q: "In two days. It will be at night"

G: "Two days?! S-Surely you need more time to plan everything out. W-What about my training?"

K: "We have people that can plan all that under a few hours and don't worry you'll still be training"

G: "W-Where?" 

Q: "On your float!"

G: "My float?"

K: "We will have floats and yours will be the grand finale. Your float will have an extra platform so you can fight on it" 

Q: "Everyone will see how great you are!"

K: "You'll be going against Liam which will sure get lots of attention"

Out of everyone!


He's gonna beat me!


G: "Oh.."

Q: "You'll do great! I know it"

"Wow", Clay says on the other end of the phone.

"Yeah I know"

"Well don't embarrass yourself too much"

I sigh as I pinched my nose bridge. I stared at the ceiling for a moment before answering.



"What if we do run away?"

"Y-You're up for the idea?"

"I can't take this anymore. This is too much for me"

"But what about what you said? Your parents"

"I'm sure they'll understand. They know I don't like to be overwhelmed with responsibilities"

"Okay..when do you want to do it?"

"Right before I'm supposed to be in the parade. There's no way I'm going out there against Liam"

"But George that only gives us those two days to pack. We need to buy things for the trip as well"

"I can ask the people here to give me stuff"

"Won't they get suspicious?"

"If they do I can just say they're for my parents"

"Okay, where do you want to go"

"In..a open field.. just like how I wanted" 

"With Patches, Milo, and me?"


"What about the money? We need to buy the house somehow"

"I can ask for that too. And we can use the wagon to get over to where ever the place is" 

"Alright. I can look for the house"

"Don't worry I can do that while you start packing everything you need"

"Okay. Now you have a plan for when we really leave?"

"Yeah actually"
573 words

Not really a fan on how this is turning out 😅

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