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I was mopping the floors as I softly hummed to myself.

My dad calls me over once I was finished. "I need you to deliver this package to a friend of mine", he says as he gives me a box. I look down to its address, it wasn't that fair. "Alright", I say as I took off my apron.

I walk out the store and get hit with the smell of wet cement.

My horse, Gypsy squealed happily when she saw me walk towards her. She was a pretty grey mare with white markings and black socks.

I place the box down and ran a hand along her nose. "Hey Gyps, ready to go on a quick trip?", I say quietly. She slightly lifts her front legs up as she neighed.

I chuckled as I removed her coat, replacing it with her saddle. I used the fence she was attached to as a stepping stool to get on her. I place the box in front of me, securing it with my legs so it wouldn't fall. I untie her lead off the fence and began to make my way to the location.

I listened as Gypsy's hooves hit against the soft pavement in a nice rhyme.

It was kinda therapeutic.

We were trotting through town when I noticed someone on a white horse walking towards us.

The more I looked at the person the more I realized who it was.

It was the man from yesterday.

He seemed to have noticed me as well because he perked up his head when he saw me. "Hey! George right?", he says as he stops next to me. He was wearing black baggy jeans and a green? crew neck with the same black converse.

"Um y-yeah, the one and only", I replied, not trying to make things awkward.

"Name's Clay, sorry I didn't mention it before"

"It's alright"

"Anyway fancy seeing you here", he comments.

"Yeah well my dad sent me to deliver this package to a friend of his", I say as I patted the box. "Nice horse by the way, what's their name?", he asks softly.

"Thank you, this is Gypsy. What's your horse's name?"

He then looks down at his stallion and began to stroke its mane. "It's Stratus", he says. I hum as I looked down at his horse.

But then that's when I see Stratus begin to sniff along Gypsy's side. She ends up flicking her tail in his face when he neared her behind, leaving him slightly stunned.

Me and Clay both chuckled at the small interaction. "Mind showing your horse some manners", I joked. "Sorry about that", he says as he lightly laughs. But then out of no where a brown tabby cat jumps on his shoulder.

"Oh my god, I'm assuming this is the cat your where buying food for", I said as I stared at the feline in awe. "Yup, this is Patches", he tells me as he reaches a hand up to scratch behind her ear.

She quickly lends into the touch and began to purr.

"She's so cute!"

"I'm taking her to the..vet right now", he whispered as he puts a hand on the side of his face, acting as if she could understand him.

"Aw how come?"

"I'm pretty sure it was because of the new food I got her, it upsetted her stomach and she started to throw up at the house. But I'm still taking her over to really find out what's going on", he explained.

"I hope she feels better!"

He hums as he grabbed his horse's lead. "It was nice seeing you again, George", he says as he looked up at me with a smile.

My heart skips a beat.

"Y-yeah! It was nice seeing you to, Clay", he then gives me a soft smile in return.

"See you around", he cooed as he trotted away.

His voice..

I began to continue along the path as I thought to myself.

Why is he so majestic?

He's literally a stranger that happened to stumble across my store.

So why does he have this effect on me?
691 words

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