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(Credit to the artist!)

*No one's POV*
The sound of George's soft snores fills his room.

The sun was only beginning to rise, causing his room have a warm orange tinge.

His parents were also fast asleep. They close up shop every Sunday.

There wasn't a particular reason why, they just decided it that way.

The town was quite.


Unfortunately though, the ringing of the brunette's phone breaks the silence.

George groans as he tossed and turned. Trying to ignore the noise. But it's almost as if it was getting louder.

Tiredly, George reaches for his phone. It had no caller ID.

Usually George would ignore these types of call but being tired, he didn't exactly think about it. Then again he wanted to know who was calling him at this time of day.

Before answering he clears his throat. "Hello?", he says.

"Hello, is there a George Davidson by any chance?"

"Yes this is him. To whom am I speaking to?"

"I am one of the royal advisers. I apologize for calling you this early in the morning. I was just order to get a hold of you as soon as I could"

Royal adviser?
This gotta be some type of joke. The brunette thought.

"Why did you need to get a hold of me?", George asked.

"The King and Queen is hosting a memorial for our town guardian, Sir Alec"

George didn't know much about Alec but he did know he was the reason his town was protected.

"And they heard your little shop had some of the bestselling foods out there. So they were hoping if you would be kind enough to lend us some of your produce. We could also use some more helping hands to help keep the event organized. We would give 2,000 dollars in cash as a thank you for helping us"

George couldn't believe what he was hearing. 2,000 dollars!

"Yeah! I can definitely give you the help you need", he says quickly.

"Wonderful. I'll be sure to send you the list of items we would need. The event will be happening on Thursday in the afternoon behind the royal palace"

"Okay. How would I get into the palace?"

"Simply walk to the front gates and tell the guards who you are. They will be instructed to let the individual George Davidson to enter the palace before the event starts"

"Alright I'll make sure to get to it"

"Lovely. Have a wonderful day Mr. Davidson"

"You as well"

Once he hung up George quickly dials another number. Surprisingly it only took 2 rings for the person to answer.

"Hey George", the person says in a raspy voice.

"C-Clay! Surprised you even answered considering how early it is"

"Yeah well Milo woke me up a while ago to fed him. I was about to go back to sleep but what's up?", hearing the blond's morning voice made George almost lost his train of thought.

"You won't believe who called me"

"No way!", Clay shouted from the other end.

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