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*Next day*
"And you're sure you packed everything?", my mom asks as she helped me load everything into the wagon.

"Yes mom"

"When's your little boyfriend gonna get here"

"He's not- nevermind, he should get here soon"

My dad then comes to view with both his and my mom's horse's lead in hand. "Go easy on them alright. They're a bit old", he says as he began to attach them to the wagon.

Suddenly my phone rings in my pocket. I go to reach for it and see that Clay sent me a message, letting me know that he's here. I quickly send him a message saying to come around that back since that where I was.

"He's here", I say excusing myself.

As I was jogging over I see him.

"Hey", I say softly as wrapped my arms around his neck.

"Hey", he says.

Since he was holding Milo's box he was only able to wrap one arm around my waist.

I turn back around and see my parents exchange smug looks at each other. I was just praying they wouldn't embarrass the hell out of me.

"Clay! I've heard a lot about you. It's nice to finally meet you", my mom says as she shook his hand.

"You as well", he says.

"I'm assuming this is the little guy we will be looking after", my dad says as he looks into the box.

"Yup this is Milo. I fed him right before we left so he shouldn't want anything", Clay says as he hands my dad the box.

M: "Aw he's so fluffy. Where did you find him?"

G: "We found him in Clay's backyard. Coyotes took his family"

D: "Poor little guy"

M: "Clay can I ask you something?"

C: "Sure"

M: "How long have you and George been dat-"

G: "I hate to be rude but we really should get going. I rather be there early then late"

M: "Alright fine. We'll meet you both over there"

"Bye guys", I say as I hugged my parents. I then gesture to Clay to get on the wagon. Once I situated myself I grab the lead and we began moving.

"You knew what your mom was gonna ask me didn't you", Clay suddenly says.

"Don't know what you're talking about"

"I'm quite interested what the question was. I'll have to ask when I see her again"

"It was nothing important. She just wanted to know how long we've known each other even know I already told her"


"Okay seeing you nervous is making me nervous", I say.

"Well I've never gotten this close to the gates before. As a kid I always thought the guards would throw me in jail or something if I got close"

"I don't blame you", I chuckle.

As we neared the guards quickly moved closer to the gate.

"What brings you here", one of them says.

"I'm here to help with the memorial. My name George Davidson", I say as I took out my ID.

The guard slowly takes it from me and looks down it. He gives me a quick glance then hands me my ID back. "Very well. Open the gate", he says to the other guard.

The big metal gate creaks as it opened. I began to trot inside. Once we were fully inside the gate closes behind us. I then let out the breathe I have been holding.

"That was honestly kinda scary", Clay says quietly.

"No kidding"

We were walking on a stone path that was surrounded by trees. So we weren't able to see anything yet. But when we reached the end of the path we arrive at the front of the palace.

"Wow it's a lot bigger up close", Clay comments.

"Have any idea how we would get to the back?"

"Hmm I don't know. That sign over there says 'Event over here' with an arrow but that might not be it"

"You're such an idiot", I scoff. Everything was really well decorated with a purple and gold color scheme. I quickly stop the wagon then hopped off.

"Now what?", He asks.

"Well we bring in the stuff"

"You must be George Davidson", I hear someone say behind me.

I turn to see the Queen. "Y-Your Majesty", I say as me and Clay both bow our heads down.

"Oh please there's no need for that. When I heard you've arrived I just had to come down to meet you. I've heard a ton about your family's pastries and how lovely they taste. I'll make sure to try what ever it is you made"

"It was freshly baked last night"

"Oh goody. And whom might this be?"

"My name is Clay Reed Your Majesty. I'm here to also help with the event"

"Wonderful, the more the merrier. Anyway I want you both to change into these", she says as someone walks out from behind her, holding two sets of clothes.

The clothing was pretty much the same thing as I wore for work. A black collared shirt and black pants with a white apron.

"The bathroom will be to the left, down the hall", she says as I took the clothes. "And don't worry about your horses. We'll move them to the stable just over there"

"Oh okay. Thank you!"

"Any time"

I began to walk towards the palace with Clay following close behind. "Your last name is Reed?", I blurt out.

"Yeah? Haven't I told you before?"


The palace was really beautiful inside.

It had a really tall ceiling with a big chandler hanging. The walls were also really pretty.

Once Clay and I made it to the bathroom we both went into separate stalls and began changing.

I was the first one to be finish since I was used to changing into clothes like these.


"Yeah?", I was fixing up my hair as Clay walked out of the stall.

"I feel ridiculous", he says as he tried to button his sleeves.

"I think you look great", I tell him.

"You should wear collared shirts more often", I say as I give him quick peck on the cheek as I buttoned up his sleeves for him.

"I'll think about it", he says with a smile.

"Come on lets go", but suddenly Clay grabs my hand.

"What is it?", I asked as I turned my head to look at him.

"Nothing", he softly says as he lend down to kiss my jawline.

"Clayy, they're gonna to be waiting for us"

"Let them wait", he whispers as he continued to kiss his way to my lips.

I roll my eyes but kiss him back.

"Alright that's enough. We got to go", I giggle.

1120 words

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