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*A few months later*

*George's POV*
"George come on you're gonna be late for your shift!", I hear my mum shout.

I tiredly sit up and began to rub the sleep out of my eyes. I swing my legs to the side of my bed, feeling the cold floor against my feet. "I'll be there soon mother", I replied as I let out a yawn.

I lived above the store that was owned by my family right in the middle of the city.

Once I was finished getting dressed I grabbed my apron from my chair. I was fixing up my name tag as I looked at myself in the mirror. Doing some final touches with my hair, I quickly made my way downstairs.

"Took you long enough", my father says.

"Sorry dad"

"It's alright, I need you to restock some shelves", he says as he points at some boxes behind me. I nodded and took all of the boxes in a small cart.

As I was finishing up with the restocking when I heard the front door ring as someone walked in.

"Welcome in", I kindly say as I kept putting the items on the shelf. I slightly groaned when I grabbed a certain item from the box. It belonged to the shelf far up above me.

Not wanting to get the ladder I stood on my tippy toes. Not even that was enough. I tried a couple more times with no success.

"Need help with that?", I hear someone say behind me. I turn around to see a man with silky dirty blonde hair who was clearly taller than me.

The man had dark brown jeans that were slightly rolled up at the bottom, he had a tan flannel over his black shirt, a watch around his wrist, an earring hanging from one of his ears, and rings on both of his hands.

I watched as his emerald gaze fell upon me. I blink once I realized I haven't replied. "Um yeah", I say sheepishly. I slowly handed the man the can.

He takes it from me and easily puts it on its designated shelf. "Thank you", I softly say. "No problem, and where do you have your cat food by the way", he asks.

His voice sounds so soothing.

"R-right down that aisle", I say as I pointed. "Great thanks!", he exclaimed. I watched him as he walked away in his black converse.

I quickly finished putting the last couple of items on the shelves then made my way over to the cashier.

"You can take your break dad, I got this covered", I said as I put the boxes in the recycling.

"I thought you didn't like being cashier?"

"I'm giving it a shot again"

"Alright suit yourself", he says walking back upstairs.

I take his spot and waiting patiently for the man to reappear. Once he does I straighten my posture as he walked over with a bag of cat food.

"Find everything okay?", I softy ask. You know the classic things you ask a customer. "Yup", he says as I ringed up the bag. "That will be 18.87", I tell him.

He gives me the money and I give him back his change along with the receipt. "Have a nice day", I said. "You too.. George", He says as I saw him flicker his eyes down to my name tag.

I slightly cringed.

There were some reasons why I didn't like working as cashier, and this was one of them. I had my name out in display on my chest to strangers. And it would be weird to hear them say my name.

I sigh but give the man a soft smile as he left.

"I'm never working as cashier again!", I exclaimed to my father. I hear him laugh once I walked away.

I sat in my window nook as I stared out at the town. The street lights were on which gave everything a yellow-ish hue.

I couldn't stop thinking about the man for some reason.

He seemed like a nice guy and he was pretty attractive to say the least.

I hear the horses sigh under me. My parents and I both had horses and they would always chill out by the front. People usually took their horses, bikes, or small wooden carriages to get around this place.

There was hardly any cars.

I stayed there for a moment longer before getting myself into bed.
746 words

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