you can go

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TW: violence, injury

italics are thoughts (unless used for emphasis)
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(3415 words)

emily's pov:

'Y/n will be back eventually.' Emily stepped in. 'And they'll need a good friend when they are, okay?' She said, resting her hand on Seb's upper arm.

'Emily?' Rossi said from the drivers seat.

'Yeah? Sorry.' Emily said, realising she'd zoned out.

'What's on your mind?' Rossi asked, switching his mic off so the others couldn't hear their conversation.

'...I comforted him.' Emily said, staring at the dashboard after she'd switched her mic off too.

'Who?' Rossi asked.

'Sebastian.' Emily replied. 'He came out of his training session to see Y/n when we were leaving to see them off to the safe house. He seemed really...' Rossi glanced over at Emily as she paused, '...distraught that they were going.'

'Sebastian and Bailey both had us all fooled, Emily.' Rossi said in an attempt to comfort her.

'Yeah but... Seb's different.' Emily shook her head. 'He befriended Y/n from the beginning of their training programme. He got close to them which isn't easy to do.'

'That's how these people work.' Rossi reminded her. 'Bailey would have chosen him as a partner precisely to get closer to Y/n.'

'But that's just it... we only met the night before they started their training.' Emily explained. 'And from Day 1 he's latched onto them. Surely this is about more than just our relationship?'

Emily looked across at Rossi hoping he'd have some insight to give her, but he just glanced across at her as much in the dark as she was about it all.

'You know that if it gets out that you only met the day before Y/n's training started, it could have serious implications for your career.' Rossi said, looking back at the road now.

'I know.' Emily said sadly.

Just then, Garcia's voice in their earpieces interrupted them. Rossi and Emily rushed to switch their mics back on.

'Chief?' Garcia said.

'What have you got, Garcia?' Emily asked.

'So I did some digging on Sebastian Anderson. Turns out he doesn't have a record so he wouldn't have flashed up on our system when he joined the training programme.' Garcia informed her.

'Anything else?' Emily asked.

'Guess who put a last minute request in to have him accepted onto the training programme.' She said.

'Bailey?' Emily guessed.

'Yep. Literally the night before the training began.' Garcia continued.

Emily looked across at Rossi as if a lightbulb had gone off in her head.

'So they knew each other before the case even came to our attention?' Rossi asked.

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