Home (L)

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"Honeys, I'm home!" Niall yelled through the OT5 house as he pulled his luggage in through the door. Then the stampede of boyfriends rushed to greet him. Niall wore his usual jeans and tucked in, short-sleeved button up. Dark blue today; made his eyes pop, even though they were tired. Jet lag was a bitch.

Harry cheated with his long ass legs and got to Niall before anyone else and stole the first hug. "You should have let us come get you from the airport!" he said, then kissed him a hundred times. Maybe literally. You'd think the boy had just come home from war.

Harry had been so excited to see the boys, so he wanted to look nice when they got home. Fussed over his hair and outfit all day like he was going on a first date or something. Been cooking in Chelsea boots, black skinny jeans, and a white linen dress shirt for hours. It had these peach stripes that matched his cute little cheeks so perfectly.. and anyway, Louis enjoyed watching the effort he put in so he only encouraged it with compliments while they waited for everyone to come home.

"Oi, share Hazza!" Louis squeezed in an awkward side hug and kiss under Harry, who hadn't let go yet. "Hi baby, we missed you. Too quiet when you're gone."

Niall kissed Louis back, then sniffed the air. "I know. I'm a gift to you all. Do I smell food?" Niall asked before getting consumed by the next wave of bodies.

"Oh! Yeah, I made a proper feast to celebrate everyone coming home. Oh, shit... Come to the kitchen with me," Harry said when he finally let go and remembered he had a roast to check on.

"We just got back too; about an hour ago," Zayn said and kissed Niall. Zayn was less concerned with his outfit since he was also recovering from time-zone travel misery. He'd drug his luggage through the front door, dropped it in the foyer, then immediately went to his room and put sweats and his softest (meaning most worn out) band t-shirt on when he got home.

Louis took Niall's luggage for him and set it in the foyer. They'd get it later.

"I missed your sweet face, come here," Liam said and squeezed all the air out of Niall with a hug. "How'd it go?"

Liam cared less about his clothes than all of them (third jetlagged boyfriend) and didn't even bother with a shirt (which.. yay!). Between Harry, Niall, and Liam, there was always at least one shirtless man at any given time. Louis loved it.

Niall blushed under the excessive attention since he wasn't used to being the center of it. No one was really, since it was rare for them to all five be at home at the same time. And Louis was getting quite tired of that, to be honest.

It had been an entire month without those three. Liam took Zayn home to meet the parents and Niall went to see his family in Ireland and wouldn't let anyone go with him. Louis was, of course, happy to spend the time with Harry, but he'd missed everyone. A month was way too long.

They all walked toward the kitchen to go pick at everything Harry was cooking, just so he could swat them away, but it never stopped them before, and today was no exception.

Niall stole a green bean and said, "I don't know. I don't know why I even bother going to see them. Kept asking me if I'd 'found a nice girl to marry yet'. Don't know how many times I've told them it wasn't going to happen."

"I know you don't want to hear this hon, but you're going to have to tell them about us eventually if you want them to stop," Liam said. "Holidays are just gonna keep happening every year."

"Well, I hate the holidays because it means everyone leaves us," Harry said and handed Louis the cupcake icing bowl to lick. Ha! Louis was still the favorite! But then Harry plucked the spatula from it and handed it to Niall so he had to share. Whatever. Maybe Louis should have dressed fancy too and seduced Harry into letting him keep the spatula.

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