Quick Panel (L)

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Louis and Niall hadn't gotten much sleep thanks to the jello shot fueled fuckfest (ignited by Harry's damn outfit and everything underneath of it) they had after they got back from the kink club, but it was so worth it. Nothing coffee couldn't fix.

Their big panel together was early in the day, which meant they'd have time to nap while they all took turns in the separate panels later in the afternoon. The actors had one and then Niall and Zayn had a "Behind the Scenes" one together. Sunday would be less demanding. Louis and Harry were a part of a bigger panel about queer representation in mainstream media and Zayn had one with other special effects artists from different shows. Zayn hated the spotlight, but he was passionate about his work, so he agreed to do it.

"Please welcome to the stage, the director and cast of Excavated!" the host said, and the Vexxies lost their minds at Louis and Harry walking out together holding hands. This was their first real public display as a married couple. Which still felt dishonest since there were actually five of them, but it was a start. They talked about it at length beforehand and the boys were all happy for them and encouraged them to do it. Louis was glad they did once they were out there.

"Congratulations on the marriage, Louis and Harry!" the host, Zac, said with a big smile. He was warm and clearly excited for them. He'd been the one interviewing them for years. They'd kind of grown up together, in a weird way. There were plenty of disrespectful interviewers over the years, but Zac wasn't one of them. He'd even been to a few of their house parties.

"Thank you, thank you," Louis said, knowing no one would hear much else over the cheering. He spotted Zayn in the audience, who had found Jules and they were sitting together. Louis gave them a little wave.

"You and your characters have been through a lot in the past year. Think there's any chance we'll see a wedding between Phillip and Tommy?"

"You'll have to ask the writers that one," Louis laughed. "I hope so. But I've got the real deal, so I'm happy either way." Louis looked at Harry, who was smiling sweetly at Louis and watching him talk. Fucking the cutest. Harry loved attention, but he always got a little shy when it came to interviews.

"What about Nate? Or.. Liam..." Zac winked.

"I think Nate's got some intimacy issues or something," Liam laughed. "And for me, well, you don't need to worry much about me. I've got lots of love around me all the time."

Louis squeezed Liam's leg under the table in support and bumped into Niall's hand in the process, which made them all three laugh, to everyone's confusion.

Someone in the audience screamed, "What about Zayn?!"

Oh shit. All the boys looked at Liam, who looked at Niall for help.

Niall laughed into the mic and said, "I've been talking to the writers about a little someone for Nate, but ultimately we don't want the show to turn into a full romance and these two do that enough by accident." He pointed his accusing finger at Louis and Harry.

"It's supposed to be about monsters!" Harry laughed into the mic at the audience.

Louis looked at Zayn, who was absolutely cracking up at their discomfort.

Of course the Vexxies knew who Zayn was. They'd been papped with him during the Lily Strike and any fan who watched all the behind-the-scenes panels knew who he was even without Liam. Plus, Ziam made it into the tabloids once and while they called him Liam's "mystery man," the Vexxies figured it out right away.

"Help me out here man, give these guys a little spoiler so they'll settle down," Zac laughed to Niall with the slightest hint of panic in his eye over the chaos stirring, but he covered it well.

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