Baby You're a Star (Z)

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"You're so annoying, you're too pretty to even need makeup," Dana brushed powder on Zayn's face. "Oh, I wanna try something. It will make you look more... um... ethereal." She pulled out a subtle gold highlight powder. Zayn shrugged, he trusted her ideas.

Zayn had never been in her makeup chair, of course. That wasn't really his place, but a deal was a deal. Whatever it took to get Nikki away from his Liam.

Dana and Zayn worked closely together since she did beauty makeup and he did special effects makeup. They tag teamed the actors a lot and their kits always traveled together, so naturally, they did too. She was a lot like Zayn, not overly chatty but also not shy. Focused on her work. They'd worked together so long that they'd developed a wordless rapport that was almost as impressive as Lou and Harry's.

Her talent was incredible, but she hardly ever actually wore makeup herself, which Zayn always thought was a bit weird, so he eventually asked her about it. She said, "Dunno, I just like to paint people. Faces are fun canvases." Not that she needed it, anyway. Just Zayn had always practiced special effects on himself before he moved in with a bunch of guinea pigs.

She had chestnut hair that probably hit her shoulders, but Zayn had never seen it out of a ponytail or bun, so he wasn't sure. Since she was a fitness junkie, she was pretty much always wearing workout clothes so she could go straight to the gym after she was finished with the boys. Harry was her favorite running buddy, so she never minded the longer days because it meant they'd get to work out together.

Margret walked in with Zayn's ridiculous costume and Annie followed behind her, giggling about some inside joke between them.

"He's all yours, Marget," Dana tapped Zayn on the shoulder to get up and get dressed.

Zayn went behind the changing screen to put on his 18th century suit that had way too many buttons on the vest and jacket. At least it was black, and the frills on the shirt were kept to a minimum. The coat went past his knees and the leather boots were tall enough to reach the hem. His character was the ghost of a powerful alchemist warlock with a backstory the Vexxies would absolutely eat up. But it also meant that he might get tricked back onto the show from time to time, which Zayn was less excited about.

"I can't wait to see this episode. You look fantastic. Sit," Annie pointed back to the chair so she could do his hair. Exactly like he already had it, so dumb. She gave him a low ponytail, but she pulled a strand out to look like it "accidentally" fell out even though it just would have fallen out on its own before he got to the set. So much needless fuss. He couldn't wait for this to be over with.

"You girls are coming over tonight with Harry while the rest of the boys are still here, right? Gotta do a practice run with the stage for the party and the rest of the boys will be here. Not sure when else we can pull it off without them knowing," Zayn said while she worked an unnecessary amount of product in his hair.

"Yup, Margret's driving all of us after we finish our costumes." Dana said.

"Wanna come to my place after?" Annie quietly asked Margret.

"Already packed a bag," Margret grinned.

Dana gave Zayn a look of confirmation when he caught her smiling in the mirror along with him.


Zayn walked quietly to the set since they were filming and sat at the prop table even though he was there as an actor. It was his comfort spot. The boys were facing the other way for the scene, which was back in the boardroom. But this time Nate and Tommy were covered in bruises and blood, which Zayn had applied to them earlier, before Niall forced him to let his assistant, Benny, take over.

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