Great Outdoors (L)

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"You guys head home. I'll call a car. Got a last-minute meeting with the writers so I'll be here a while," Niall said without looking up from his notes. He scribbled into his notebook like he'd just discovered the secrets to life and had to write them down before they evaporated.

"Why? You said you'd stop working late so much," Harry kicked Niall's shoe to get him to look up from his pen.

Niall put his pen down and gave Harry his full attention. "Because if they don't step up their game, people are going to stop watching. Have you read the finale? It's so boring Harry! We need a better plan for next season, and I'm going to make sure they don't fuck it up again."

"Love, I don't want him to work late either, but he's right. This season finale is crap compared to last season." Louis peeked at Niall's notes to read what his ideas were, but they were chicken scratch.

"Whatever. I'll leave you a plate of dinner in the fridge, I guess," Harry looked down at the notes too, and something caught his eye. "Wait, really?" Harry pointed at the part he made out, even though Louis still could decipher it.

Niall grinned. "We'll see what they say."

Harry picked up the pen and shoved it into Niall's hand with a bright smile. "You have to convince them Niall... "

"What is it?" Louis asked.

"If you can't read it, I'm not telling because you're a blabbermouth and I don't want to piss off Zayn unless it's green-lit. Go get out of here! I'll be home later. Love you both," Niall said and kissed them both before pushing them out of the studio.


"Hazza tell me!" Louis shook Harry's shoulders. "You have to! I'm your husband!"

"No," Harry grinned. "Hey, do you know what today is?" Harry asked once he shut the car door behind him. He put his feet on the dash and Louis swatted them back down, just like every day.

"Tuesday?" Louis pulled out of the parking lot. "Come on, give me a hint at least! What did it say?"

The sun was just setting and painted the sky with bright pinks, purples, and oranges. Louis had been to a lot of places in his life, but absolutely nowhere had better sunsets than Southern California. Hollywood had its problems, but it was a gorgeous place if you took the people away.

Once they were out of the studio lot and onto a road, Harry said, "Take the back way," and ran a hand over Louis's pants.

"What are you doing?" Louis asked. Who cared why Harry was doing it. He'd liked the direction things were going. Was today something? Their anniversary wasn't for another month, and Louis had something idiotic planned for it. Because Harry was spoiled.

"Celebrating." Harry unbuttoned Louis's pants and slid his hand in them. Louis took a turn to take a scenic route where there'd be fewer cars. Harry was unhinged some days, there was no use trying to stop him when he got like this.

"Fuck. Ok, what are we celebrating?" Louis gripped the steering wheel and focused.

"You became my boyfriend on this day two years ago!" Harry said and dropped his head to Louis's lap. "You didn't want to... What did you say? Beat around the bush? Anymore..." Then, as expected, Harry took Louis's dick into his mouth.

Louis knew of a good place to hide a parked car, so he just had to concentrate until he got there. "This isn't very safe, Harold. I'll show you beating around bushes if you don't stop... ahh.. god your mouth..."

Harry popped up and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. "Really?!"

Louis frowned at the loss and looked at Harry with sad confusion. "Oh, for fuck's sake, Harry. No, I'm not beating, spanking, slapping, whipping, or anything of that nature to you. When are you going to drop it? I said no. Get your mouth back on my dick."

Harry frowned but did as he was told.

"Good boy."

Louis pulled into a dirt clearing and parked the car behind a bush. "There, you can have a bush but no beating." Louis popped open the glove box and grabbed the lube (of course they have lube in the vehicle, are you new here?) and got out of the car. Harry followed without question.

"Just a little Daddy? Just once to celebrate today?" Harry begged.

Louis ignored him and walked into the forest until he found just the right tree. "Ask me again and you'll go to bed with very blue balls tonight. You used to be such a sweet and obedient baby for me. What happened?" Louis walked Harry up against The Right Tree while he kissed his neck.

"I'm always good for you. I think you just miss when everything was new, and I was nervous about trying new things." Harry did nothing with his arms since he didn't have instructions. He was already fully pliant with his body under Louis.

"Take off your pants," Louis said as he squirted lube on his fingers. "I can still make you nervous, I bet. There's still a lot you haven't tried yet, baby."

"Like impact play, Daddy?" Harry kicked his pants away with his little brat grin on.

"Grab the branch over your head," Louis said as he lifted Harry up and against the tree and wrapped his legs around Louis's waist. "Like how you worded that, so you weren't technically asking again. You're lucky I want to fuck you so bad right now." Louis opened Harry up with his fingers while he spoke. He really hoped Harry wouldn't ask again so he could let him come, too.

"Ah fuck, feels so good," Harry looked around. Probably hoping to see people more than hoping they wouldn't get caught.

Louis didn't take his pants all the way off, but he pushed himself into Harry. Harry's biceps looked so hot like that, holding his body weight up. "What about this? This feel good too or am I not enough without hitting you?" Louis said has he fucked into Harry roughly. Louis didn't like impact play, but he had no problem with scratching Harry's back red on this tree.

"Please Daddy, I don't understand what the problem is. Just one time and I'll never ask again, I promise!" Harry said it between pants and moans.

Fuck. Oh well. "Don't come," Louis said, but kept going and angled Harry's hips just a little to the right.. And...

"Ahh! Fuck oh my god, there!" Harry used his arms to help lift and tilt into the angle right because he hadn't realized his mistake yet.

"Yeah? Look so pretty dangling from that tree branch like a little flower for me," Louis said, then kissed Harry's neck some more. Smelled like strawberries and mango and everything summer tried to be.

"Mm, close, please..."

"I told you what would happen if you asked again. You think my threats are empty so I have to follow through, don't I baby?" Louis slammed harder into Harry's prostate and let himself come, because he was allowed. And he was vocal about it, too. Made sure Harry knew what he was missing out on.

"Daddy no, please! Oh my god, I'm sorry, please let me!"

Louis pulled out of Harry and kissed him. "Sorry love, rules are rules."


Louis kept his promise. But it was their anniversary, so he did also wake him up about ten minutes after Harry fell asleep that night and fucked him again so he could get off too. So. Spoiled.

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