Valentine (H)

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Zayn helped the stunt coordinator strap the boys into harnesses for their next scene, where they would fly through the sky from an explosion. The boys insisted they do as much of their own stunts as they could because, honestly; it was just fucking fun.

"You're serious? You guys have to go out of town on Valentine's Day?!" Harry whined while Zayn adjusted his harness to be hidden under Phillip's shirt.

"Well, I don't, but Louis does, and it doesn't seem fair to make him be alone on Valentine's Day, Haz," Zayn said.

"I'm sorry baby, it's just two nights and you guys have full days scheduled to film. We'll do a video call or something, ok?" Louis said as he gave the stunt coordinator a dirty look for smooshing his junk in the harness. "Take me to dinner first or something fella, geez."

The stunt coordinator, Bruce, blushed a little at the comment. Louis had that effect on people. Especially straight men. It was delightful to watch.

"Why do you need two nights for a single interview?" Liam frowned, not even noticing the smooshing on his end with the other stunt coordinator, Will. Will was kind of like Zayn. He didn't waste time being charmed, just focused on his work.

"We don't want to rush. We never get time together. You'll be fine," Louis said. He was acting funny. They were up to something. Harry hoped it was a good something... but he knew better than to pry, so he just glared instead.

"Ready fly boys?" Niall asked and corralled the cameramen into place.

"Psht, apparently not for Valentine's Day," he whispered to Liam. So not fair.

Liam laughed and pinched Harry's bum as they were being lifted in the air on the cables. "I'm sure we'll find some way to pass the time."


Louis and Zayn's car pulled out of the driveway and the boys watched from the window. Once it was out of sight, Harry turned to the boys with a grin. "The Daddies are goneeeeee," he sang.

Liam and Niall both lit up.

"Shit, what should we do? We could do anything! They'd never have to know... I can't believe they left us unsupervised. Wait, is this a setup?" Liam had that entire conversation with himself.

"Who cares? We never get to hang out alone! Well, first I say we go dancing because they never want to go dancing. I've only seen Lou dance like once. Does Zayn even know how to dance? Mr. Too Cool To Emote Guy. Anyway, let's start there and see where the night takes us," Harry grinned.

They got dressed together in their sluttiest outfits. Tightest pants, sheerest shirts. No shame.

Then they headed to a gay bar on the beach nearby and got in through the VIP access door. Not that they weren't allowed to go dancing or drinking. But Zayn and Louis never really let go. They were always babysitting the other three. And if things got too sexy, they made everyone stop drinking in case they wanted to play. It was a whole thing that somehow evolved into no dance AND no sex. Louis's rule against drinking and playing was reasonable, but there were no Daddies tonight so....

"Fuck, you guys look hot," Harry said as he downed his first shot of tequila. "Why don't you wear see-through shirts more? You can borrow mine any time you want. I have a lot of them, you know." The tequila and music pulsed into Harry's hips.

Liam went with a black t-shirt but it was one of Louis's that he stole so it had a stretched V-neck collar and was so thin that his tattoos were visible through it. Oh, and because it was Louis's, it was like 2 sizes too small. Fucking yummy.

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