Let's Be Honest... (H, N)

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The "What Happened in Malibu" story has been posted! Takes place in the middle of this chapter.



Harry was still flying high the next morning and, to be honest, he barely remembered how he got home, let alone put to bed. There was a vague memory of Harry demanding Louis get him a milkshake from McDonalds on the way back, and no memory of drinking it. But waking up in the middle of his four boys was the very best way to start the next day.

After the sun rose and they all stirred to life, Liam rolled to laid across Harry with a big smile. "Zayn collared me in front of the entire club last night!" Liam said, head still in the clouds about it.

"What?! Congratulations! I'm so happy for you, let me see!" Liam offered Harry his neck and Harry fiddled with the lock on it to see how it worked.

"I knew you'd go for the one with the key. Special ordered it with Li in mind. Had a feeling you'd end up at that table," Louis winked. "Congratulations boys." Louis looked proud of both them and himself. As he should! "Let's eat breakfast, then head to the beach, yeah?"

They kept talking about their nights as they got dressed together. Niall had questions about the collar, like how long did Liam have to wear it and if there was another way to get it off without the key? Or if it was uncomfortable or what would happen if they lost the key? Was it waterproof? Could chlorine hurt it? A lot of questions... Seemed Niall's interest was peaked.

As usual, after every big scene like that, they had to have a Family Meeting to check in. But since they were at the beach on vacation, they had this one in the sand. It was a rare time where they were all together, with nowhere to be for an entire week. Paradise. They had no plans to leave the beach for the entire day.

Once their tent, coolers, and blankets were in place, they all stripped down to their swimming gear (Liam's collar included. Niall watched Zayn take it off him, of course) and got to tanning in the early afternoon sun. They sat in a circle to rub tanning oil on each other. Having five of them had its benefits, for sure. Harry also didn't mind the view. Not one bit.

Louis massaged the oil into Harry's back and kissed his neck. "How are you feeling today?"

"Clingy," Harry grinned back at everyone. "Good. Louis it was... fuck."

"You still look floaty," Liam laughed as he worked on Zayn. "Oh! The bartender figured out it was you!" Liam bounced like he couldn't contain his excitement for Harry. "She saw the whole thing. She won't tell though. I can tell she wants to keep it her little secret."

Harry blushed into his hands at how much he liked the idea of a random Vexxie seeing him like that in secret. He didn't even know why it turned him on so much, but it did. After about five scenes, Harry stopped trying to dissect the psychology around why he liked what he liked and chose to just enjoy it. None of it was harmful, so why not enjoy life?

"Oh, you like knowing that, do you?" Louis smiled. "Wonder how she got that job. It was almost like it was planned."

"Wait, so she wasn't real?" Harry frowned. Way to spoil it, Lou! Could have just let Harry believe...

"Oh, she was very real and just as surprised, I assure you."

Harry beamed (uncovered that time). Let all the sparkles flood from his eyes into Louis's. Best husband of all time, ever.

Meanwhile, Zayn was working on Niall and they both seemed tense. Mmph.

"Did I do something wrong?" Harry frowned. He knew he was being sensitive because he wasn't all the way back down from subspace, but he didn't want to cause anyone to be sad. Ever. For any reason. Especially any of his boyfriends.

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