The Sun, the Moon and Stars (Li, Z)

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Getting Harry dressed back into a suit after coming back from flying was quite the show. Harry couldn't stop giggling (so neither could Louis, Zayn, or Liam).

"You're a mess," Louis laughed at Harry. He was failing at getting Harry's eyeliner neatened back up enough to be seen in public, so Zayn went to help him with some makeup remover. Harry was a rag doll, so fucking cute. All the time. How did they go so long without him?

Niall was quiet but trying to help Louis get Harry back together. Not laughing at Harry's silliness like Liam expected. But that was how Niall dealt with stress. He was just like Zayn. They both had to withdraw to process things, and that was a pretty intense scene for a newbie. Since Liam was used to it with Zayn, he'd learned to not overreact when he saw it from Niall. But it still concerned Liam that Niall threw walls up so high right after a scene.

"Hey Niall, wanna come with me and Zayn? Think we are going to stay a little while. Not quite ready to go home yet," Liam said.

Niall shrugged, "Dunno." He didn't seem to want to look away from Harry. "Lou, would it be OK if I helped you take care of Harry instead? I think that'd make me feel a little better. Then I'll go to Ziam's bed once he's settled?"

"Of course, love, whatever you need. You could stay in our bed though, we don't mind," Louis smiled warmly at Niall. Louis could be such a force, but when he was in aftercare mode, he was soft as could be.

"It's your anniversary Lou, I'll be alright," Niall said.

"Sure, but we are all together and I think Harry would appreciate it as much as I would. Besides, he's gonna pass right back out as soon as we get home and it's early. You're not really going to make me sit and watch movies alone while I cuddle him through the night, are you? Besides, I think we celebrated adequately, don't you?" Louis winked at Niall.

Harry dropped his head back and pointed his glassy eyes and bright smile to Niall, "Pleasseeeeeeee?"

Niall finally smiled, thanks to Harry's pleading. "Ok, yeah. That sounds good. See you two at the house later. Have fun," Niall switched off with Zayn to help Louis get Jello Man upright and functioning like a normal human again long enough to walk him to the car.

They all said their goodnights and exchanged kisses, as usual, and Liam and Zayn went back out into the party with their suits and masks back on as if they hadn't just left a sex filled scene with their three other boyfriends.

The party was still alive and well in the main ballroom. Plenty of people were still talking about "Him" and how romantic his dom was for arranging it all. And how hot "His" dom was. They had no idea it was Harry, of course, though some people must have suspected if they recognized Liam or Louis at all. Hopefully, the masks helped with that.

The main room had a few scenes scattered around. Not as many as their normal kink club in San Diego, but there were toys and more curtained booths lining the walls for people to play with. Since the guests dressed in formal wear and everyone looked pretty, it was fun just to people watch.

"Can't remember the last time it was just us," Liam said and slid his hand around Zayn's while they headed to the bar. "Kinda weird, isn't it?"

They sat and Zayn held up two fingers to the bartender to order for them. "Not having time alone? Yes." Zayn squeezed Liam's hand. "Being alone together? Never."

The bar was lit with candles and there were printouts of Louis's rules still scattered around it. The bartender was a tall woman with a long black braid that rested over her shoulder like a pet snake. She wore the staff uniform of a white button-up shirt and leather pants, but she also had on a thin leather collar so the guests would know she'd been claimed by someone.

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