Lilo Day (L)

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The next day, poor Harry had to film his hostage scenes with The Witch all day, which meant Liam and Louis had the day off. The OT5 bedroom was quickly becoming the room they all used the most which meant no one ever really had to wake up alone anymore, even when half the boys had work. That was lovely, best way to start the day.

It was the biggest bedroom and the entire wall was a window looking over the cliffs and to the ocean, much like the San Diego penthouse. Between his gorgeous boyfriends and the sun rising over the ocean, Louis was sure there wasn't another person on earth who woke up to a better view than he did. And he got to do it every day.

Harry decorated the room with mature green bamboo plants and insisted on a small water feature for the sake of the soothing sound while they slept. The color scheme was light, neutral, and earthy so it looked like a high dollar spa. Probably one Harry had actually been to at some point. Their thick plush comforter was a light blushed sand color and the Egyptian cotton sheets were the color of pale gray river stones. Harry insisted they not add too much color because it was "insulting to the ocean and pretty sunsets."

The sunlight had gently woken Louis up and wrapped him and Liam up in the warm gold light. Liam hadn't stirred yet, so Louis took the opportunity to just appreciate him. He so rarely got Liam all to himself like this. Such a muscley little spoon. Louis hugged him a little tighter and pressed careful kisses over his summer tanned skin.

Liam always used expensive soaps that matched his cologne so even before he got ready for the day, he always smelled heavenly. It was never overpowering, but it was a masculine yet elegant scent and it lingered in his t-shirts so Louis liked to steal them sometimes to wear when he wanted a Liam hug any time he was away.

Louis ran his palm over Liam's hip and teased him closer to consciousness. Liam breathed out a relaxed hum with his eyes still peacefully closed. His dream had probably just turned naughty, so Louis helped move the plot forward for him. With a soft touch, he wrapped his fingers around Liam's cock and slowly moved his hand up and down until he coaxed a matching response from Liam's hips. Which it did, and Louis's cock got to reap the rewards since he was pressed against Liam's ass.

With a moan, Liam's eyes finally opened while he reached down to touch himself, then froze when he noticed the hand in his way was real. "Lou? Mmmmm, good morning to you too," he smiled and melted into Louis.

"Good morning baby," Louis whispered and moved his hand away so he could feed his fingers to Liam's mouth. Might as well start the Lilo day right. Liam moaned happily and sucked them right in while he reached behind him to pull Louis's ass in tighter so he could grind back on the dick between them. "God your hips shouldn't be allowed to move like that."

While he kissed Liam's neck, he pulled his wet fingers from his lips and slid them between their bodies so he could push them inside that perfect bum. "All mine today. Want all of you."

Liam moaned loud once Louis broke through, "All yours. Oh fuck, yeah right there..."

Louis pressed his cheek against Liam's back while he opened him up and took his time to appreciate the way the body underneath him responded to his touch. After some experimenting, he learned exactly which fingers, and how many, to curl and press to make Liam's hips go faster or slower. Surprisingly, he didn't respond most to a fast, rough speed but more to a deep, slow pressure. He liked circles instead of lines. Curled fingers instead of scissored. All things Louis should have learned a long time ago, but the wait was worth it.

After a few minutes of exploring, Liam gripped Louis's ass tighter and said, "Please Lou... need you so bad," and he rolled away from the fingers so he could pull Louis to lie on top of him. Louis let him because he wanted to kiss his chest anyway, and now he could reach it. He grabbed Liam's wrists and pinned them to the bed with his hands as he pressed his dick into him.

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