Scheme (H, Li)

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It almost never happened with their schedules, but Harry was finally alone with Zayn and Liam.

Niall was at work planning for the newest script and Louis was still at a solo photoshoot for some magazine. Again. His fame was becoming obnoxious because it ate into the boy's Louis time. Not that Harry could blame the public. Louis captivated anyone who gave him 30 seconds of their time, even if it was some random fan made YouTube video.

Niall had Zayn scheduled for work in an hour, so Harry had to talk fast and be convincing before he left.

"Ziam, can I talk to you about something?" Harry grabbed a shirt from the laundry basket they were both picking at. Maybe if he helped with their laundry, it'd butter them up a little.

"Always," Zayn smiled.

"I uh. I wanted to know if we could play soon. Like, without Louis. And maybe without him knowing. I want to try some of.. Like how Liam plays. Impact play, I mean. But Lou won't do it, so I thought..."

"Absolutely not." Zayn cut him off. "Sorry H, but he'd lose his mind if I left the slightest mark on you. Especially if he wasn't a part of it. I know that wasn't the answer you hoped for, but you'll just have to convince him. I'll only do it if he knows and agrees."

"It's my body," Harry glared at Zayn.

Liam gave Harry a blank look. His eyes darted to Zayn, who was looking at the laundry, then back to Harry. Then Liam slightly raised one eyebrow. Harry wasn't really sure what that was supposed to mean, could go either way.

"I agree Harry, but you can't make anyone do anything to you they aren't comfortable with. And I'm not comfortable pissing Louis off, so you have to get him to do it or it's not happening." Zayn frowned down at the laundry like he had more to say, but didn't elaborate.

"Zayn I've been trying! He just gets mad! He won't even consider it and I don't think that's fair! And besides, this is supposed to all be equal. He doesn't outrank anyone just because we are married. You're just as much my boyfriend as he is! He doesn't have to know everything, just like you guys don't know every little thing we do."

Liam gave the smallest, encouraging nod, but still didn't say a word. Small success. Liam was on his side, but he wasn't the one he really needed to agree to it. Maybe he could work on convincing Zayn, though...

Zayn sighed and tossed a matchless sock back into the basket and checked his phone. "Look Harry, I agree. I do. But I couldn't do that to him. I know it's frustrating. I even tried to talk to him about it for you last week while we were gone and he even considered it for a second... but he's far more stubborn with me than he is with you. Just keep chipping away. He'll give in one day. Probably not this year but, eventually. Give him time."

Harry folded another shirt with anger but was too big of a neat freak to refuse to finish the laundry in protest. He looked up at Zayn and wanted to be very clear. "I'm mad at you."

Zayn frowned and kissed Harry on his temple. "I know, baby, I'm really sorry. We can talk more tonight. I've got to get going. Niall is demanding I bring coffee and I want to beat traffic, but Louis will be home soon, so just try again. Love you."

Zayn gave both Liam and Harry a kiss, grabbed the empty basket to put away, and left for work.

"I agree with you on this, H." Liam sat on the bed and crossed his arms.

"Then why didn't you say anything?! Everyone acts like I only belong to Louis, and that's not what we all agreed on." Harry plopped down beside him and also crossed his arms too, but he knew he wasn't actually mad at Liam.

Balance (Vexxieverse Series - Part 3)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora