Induction (H)

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Harry loved the episodes where Phillip needed rescued because it usually meant he had minimal lines to memorize and all he had to do was sit there and look pretty while the other boys did all the work. In this episode, Phillip was being held hostage for a powerful spell book from Nate's family. In the wrong hands, it could have apocalyptic consequences. He missed being a vampire, though. It was way more fun to bite people.

An amateur witch coven (who was vastly unequipped to handle the power of Nate's bloodline) was responsible for the capture of Phillip. Thanks to a simple sleep spell, they knocked Phillip out and snatched him from a grocery store parking lot. The witches sent a ransom note demanding the spell book, claiming they'd kill him if Nate didn't make the trade.

Harry sat on the concrete floor with handcuffs binding him to a thick steel pipe. Classic.

Honestly though, this season finale was kind of lackluster compared to the last one; Niall was right. But if the writers liked Niall's idea for next season, Nate would have a spicy season long love interest and Phillip would end up with a new power. A fun kind. But Harry didn't want to get his hopes up about it until the network approved of Niall's ideas.

"He doesn't even have the book anymore! Why do you want it, anyway?" Phillip was more irritated than scared. He forgot he wasn't a powerful immortal being, sometimes still.

One of the cloaked figures stopped their pacing and scoffed. "There's a spell in there that can bring back the dead. We need it. Not that it's any of your business."

Phillip tugged on the cuffs as if the pipe would just let him go. "His ancestors took that spell back. It was a whole thing. I was there. You're wasting your time."

"We'll be the judge of that."

"Cut! Ok, let's get some shots with just Harry, then we'll be done with this scene. See you tomorrow, coven cast, you're free!" Niall said. Harry caught Niall staring at the handcuffs a few times while they filmed. He was too easy to read sometimes.

"Oh, Mr. Director? Can I have a word?" Harry sang.

Niall leaned down to Harry. "Yes, Harold?"

"I was thinking you and I should go on a date after work." Harry smiled up at his handcuffs. "Maybe you could bring these?"

Niall swallowed. "For you or.."

"No," Harry grinned. Niall's cheek flushed bright red.

"Harry, we're at work! Stop!" Niall adjusted himself discreetly. "Where did you want to go?"

Harry whispered, "Your room."

"Niall, can we get this show on the road? My wife made pot roast," Mike yelled.

Niall looked at the handcuffs and bit his lip, then looked at Harry. "I don't have to call you Daddy, do I?" he whispered.

Harry let out a loud laugh that made everyone look at them. "No Niall, you don't have to," he said, still laughing. Even if he eventually did, Harry would have never expected Niall to call him that until way down the road. Even Harry struggled to call Lou that for the longest time and he didn't embarrass nearly as easily as Niall did about kink.

Niall's cheeks glowed with a slight blush, and Harry couldn't help but find it irresistibly adorable. He crossed his arms and ignored Harry's teasing and went back to work. That Niall didn't say no gave Harry a lot of reassurance about their relationship, though. He had seriously been doubting Niall's feelings for him but.. this was promising.

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