Your Hands are cold - ASTROBIOLOGY

533 10 21

Fluff of Tree and Blackhole being wholesome boyfriends together - Black hole goes by He/they pronouns in this fic - !!This is humanized!!


Tree P.O.V: 

The storm outside my window rages on without any signs of stopping. I sigh and push my hair back behind my glasses. I do enjoy the rain, but not in overwhelming amounts such as this. Going back to my work I take a glance at my clock. It reads, 12:47 am. It is pretty late, I should be sleeping. But hey, work doesn't get itself done.

*Knock Knock Knock*

I take a quick glance at my door. I have a good feeling who it might be. If it were Remote or Marker they would've just broken down my door and not be bothered enough to knock. If it was Fanny she wouldn't knocked. She just would've yelled from the outside of the door. Lightning knocks, but he immediately opens the door right after without waiting for a response.  It could've been Pie. But she was running errands. 

That left one special someone. I smile to myself.

"Come in Black hole," I call out returning to my work. Sure enough, in a matter of moments Black hole has opened the door and begun peering inside.

"How'd you know it was me?" They inquired. I chuckle warmly at the question.

"You're the only person who respects others privacy, besides Pie. But she's out and about right now so of course it would be you."

His face flushes a dark red. I laugh again at their embarrassment. 

"S-sorry about them, then." They mumble, barely audible. I smile warmly yet again. I can't help it, he's proven to be to adorably humble to do anything about it.

"Don't apologize," I pat the seat next to me. "Come sit down." He nods at me and trots over to the stool beside me. Curling up into a ball on the chair. I turn my head back to my work. 

"What're you doing?" He asks, eyeing the screen. I shrug.

"Just some work for the shop. Someone ordered a huge bundle of snap dragon seeds."

He nods, in understanding. Just then thunder and lightning (Not the character) crash and roll about outside. The sound startles Black hole as they slap his hands over their ears. I snap my head towards them and immediately start comforting him.

"Woah! Crazy storm...You okay sweetie?" I coo at him while massaging their shoulders. He breathes in and out very slowly. Glancing around with a frightened look on their face. My face dips into a frown.

"Shhhhh...It's okay. Just breath." I whisper softly. His breathing levels out and he makes eye contact with me.

"Th-thank you...Tree." I whispers, tears beginning to well up in their eyes. I grin softly at my boyfriend. I glance back at my clock. It now reads 1:06 am. I breathe in a deep breath. 

"It's late, do you want to head to bed?" They sniffle and nod at my idea. We both begrudgingly get up and scurry over to my twin sized bed. I lay down first and get comfortable. He practically tackles me into the mattress. I don't mind, they're not very heavy. They get all cuddly and hide under the blankets. I smirk at his soft little appearance. They're so cute, I wish I could take a picture of then right now.

The thunder crashes outside my window again. He clings on tighter to me. I calmly stroke his hair to comfort him further. He slowly moves his hand toward mine. I hiss at the cold feeling engulfing my hand.

"Darling, your hand is really cold." I sigh as I continue holding his hand.

"*Muffled* Oh well" They grumble, clearly drifting of to sleep.

I roll my eyes playfully. "Okay dear, sleep well." 

I stare at the ceiling as I to, am slowly claimed by sleep.



Word count: 633

Thank you for reading. Expect more soon :)

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