Puzzling Feelings Pt. 2 - Brick x Eraser

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Hey guys.

So uh- it's been a few months-

Sorry :D I've been feeling pretty shit and didn't want it to affect my quality of writing, so I had to take a break from this book.

I've been more active on other books, but this book is really emotionally draining for me, making requests and all. I get nervous when people don't like their fics :'D

Updates will be a lot slower, hope you guys understand <3


!!Humanized!! So basically, after Brick got eliminated and the Eraser and Motherboard shit happened, they have like a fight. So- yeah. Angst. !!SPOILERS FOR GC EP. 5 ASSULT WARNING!!


Eraser P.O.V:

"Dude! You actually killed him! What did he do wrong?" I scream, tears flowing down my face. She shakes her head, frowning at me.

"He was in the way...I'm sorry. It was the only way I could handle it." She says simply, dusting her hands off.

"That doesn't make it any better! He didn't do anything wrong! He-...He was my friend..." I sob, holding Globes corpse close to me. I hear her sigh, crouching down to my level.

"Look, I'm sorry. It was what I had to do, we all have to make sacrifices..." She says, wiping hair out of my face. "He was blocking the path to the real goal, don't worry, this will help our cause."

"Killing my friend would help our cause!? What cause? The slight suspicion of light switch was enough to kill Globe?!?" I cry out, staring her dead in the eyes. She tsks, shaking her head as she stands up.

"That suspicion was great enough to make it worth his life," she says, walking away. My blood boils, fists clenching.

"What was the point? Why? Why him?" I ask, begging for her to answer. To tell me why.

Why must this happen?

"I already told you, he was in the way. I know, it's a hard moment. But you must understand it was necessary. Please, just let him go."

"Let him go? LET HIM GO? I already lost Brick and now I have to loose another friend? Why? Why does this happen to me?" I cry, falling to my knees.

She turns around, shaking her head. "It's sad, really. I know, this is hard...but...you'll move on. You'll forget soon."

My vision turns red, why? Why is she making such a mockery of this?

"YOU'RE NO BETTER THAN LIGHT SWITCH YOU KNOW! All this-...killing, a-and-and...suffering, it's no better than what Light Switch is doing! You were supposed to be better, you were supposed to help!"

She stares at me, I feel myself sink, slowly into the ground. I fucked up, I fucked up.

She lifts me up by my collar, shoving me close to her.

"Don't you dare compare me to him, what I'm doing will help us. BOTH of us. You, need to get your head out of the gutter and focus on the main goal. Beating that mother fucker." She says lowly. I gulp, trying to shake her off of me.

"YOU. Need to be more grateful for what I give you. If I wanted to, I could leave you just like Globe...would you like that? Would you like to be just another obstacle for me to get rid of?"

I shake my head, she smiles. "Good," dropping me to the floor. I feel her foot collide with my rib. I yelp out in pain, hearing laughter. Another collision, another.

And another, and another, and another.

She beats me, "Maybe this will teach you to focus on the priorities. This will only hurt a bit...unless your weak."

I sob into the floor, feeling dirt and mud around me. Dust stuck in my eyes as she kicks me like a fucking soccer ball.

Hiding my face. I hear her footsteps walk away from me. It's over...It hurts. It hurts so much...

Oh, I wish you were here Brick. Things would have been so much easier.

Things would have been better.

Things would have been happier.


I miss you...

"Remember who gives you power...that power can be taken away just as easily as it is given." She says, her footsteps stop. I peek out from my hands, the dirt beneath my face turning to mud. She smiles, shaking her head at me.

"I hope you pick the right side...I really do..." She smirks, turning back to walk away.

"Make the right choice Eraser...everyone needs to make sacrifices...but..."


"Are you willing to make them?"

And with that, she was gone.

I slump next to the corpse of my friend. Holding him close to me, why? Why? does this always happen? Why does everyone I love leave me?

This world is cruel, it takes. It doesn't give, it never gives. It takes, and takes, and takes until your nothing but a shell. A husk of a person. Robbed of any humanity, robbed of life.

I get up, wiping the dirt and mud off my face.

I am ready.

To make those sacrifices.


Word Count: 792

WOoooo, that was fun <3

I missed this tbh lol.

Love you guys, thanks for your patience. <3

!!LuketheNotable 2763 real!!

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