The World is Your Oyster! - Floor angst

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I fcking love the flooor <3 He's my favorite III character!! (People are going to beat the shit out me for saying that lmao)


People always ignore, and accidentally step on or hurt the floor, and some of them don't even apologize. It makes him really upset, and it makes him feel like no one cares about him. This is a BFDI x II au, they're all still objects. I just want the Floor to have some love <3

Uh- there's a bit of gore, if you're squeamish to that store of thing, don't read. (I really don't want anyone throwing up because of my fan fic- lol)


Floory P.O.V:

Ouch, awh, I got stepped on again. Right in the eye, great. I can't even see what the damage was because there are no mirrors for me to look into. It hurts a lot, now that I'm thinking about it, I can't really see out of it.

"Dang...augh," I mutter to myself as I pop to where some other contestants are.  Looking around I see the Nickels arguing about whatever they argue about. Probably about which of them is the "real" Nickel. Whatever.

I over hear Golf ball and Tennis ball talking about their strange new contraptions, sounds interesting!

"Hey TB- AOUF!" I begin before being interrupted, by Grassy stepping on me.

"Grassy's here!" He says innocently paying no mind to me, y'know the one he just stepped on? The two balls greet Grassy and begin talking to him about who knows what. I kind of just sit there. 

They didn't even notice me.

Whatever, they're pretty busy anyways. Can't really blame 'em. I make my way to a more populated section of the grasslands to see Marker and Stapy playing "Toss The Dirt" Cool I guess. I decide to stop by and maybe say hello.

I pop into Markers hole and greet him warmly.

"Hey marker!" I say happily. However he doesn't react how I thought he would.

Instead of saying hello in his normal happy voice, he jumps and hits me in the same eye from before.

"WOAH! Floooorrrryyyyyyy I was winning, why do you always do thiiiisss." Marker groans sadly, he had just lost the game I suppose.

"OW! Oops- sorry Marker!" I say, immediately feeling bad about causing him his game.

"Yes I win!" I faintly hear Stapy call from the other hole. I quickly exit the hole and scurry off to the shade under a tree.

"Wheww...what a long day." I sigh to nobody. I'm alone now, I feel pretty sad right now. Nothing has really been going my way today. Plus, my eye is killing me. It hurts so much and I don't really know what to do with it. I wait around a bit as I wait for the pain to die down, it finally does. It doesn't go completely away, but it...muffles...I guess.

I finally decide pop over too a few of the Thinkers hanging out, at least I have them I guess.

"Hey guys!" I say softly, I was still hurting a bit and was a bit worried about it. No one seems to really hear me though, I can still hear them talking. I take a listen:

"Listen, he's just weird okay?" Paintbrush scoffs angrily, "I mean sneaking up on people like that huhuhh..." They said shuttering.

"Listen, we know that but we all still like him?" OJ says, trying to sway the conversation away from the topic. "I mean he's not that bad...I guess?"

"They've got a point you know," Silver Spoon grumbles, "The freak is always creeping up on all of use. Personally, I think we would all be better with it gone!" 


"I mean, they aren't completely wrong I believe." Candle shushes, looking at her teammates and friends.

"He has been constantly bugging us all, I mean all he does is make the challenges and activities harder." She points out.

They...They don't...I'm-

Fucking Traitors.

They were all I had left, the only people that I thought cared about me. 

I guess I was wrong.

"Fucking traitors..." I muttered, knowing they can't hear me, that they never even cared to hear me speak.

"FUCKING TRAITORS!!!!" I scream at the top of my non-existent lungs. I'm done I AM SO DONE. Always being stepped on, always being overlooked.

Always neglected and treated like property.

Paintbrush P.O.V:


Me and the rest of the Thinkers jump up to look at the familiar voice. To our horror, there sits him. 


We all look at each other with the same terrified expression on our faces. We really messed up didn't we?

"Floory! Shoot! Uh- it's not what it looks like buddy!" OJ stammered, not knowing what to say. 

I just continued to stare at the floors face. It was...injured?

His right eye was completely gouged out, blood oozes out of the empty socket. The hole which his eye used to reside is empty and soulless. 

It looked like his other eye to be honest.

He just continued to glare at us with hurt clearly plastered on his face. I can't believe I said what I said, with him right there to hear it. Suddenly, he just smiles at lets out a dry laugh. The kindness in his voice absent.

"Well, I guess it's good to know how you guys really feel about me." He scoffs, still holding that creepy smile strong on his disgruntled face.

The he pops away, as if he never existed.

I stare at my fellow Thinkers again each of us with the same thought in our heads.

What have we done?

Floory P.O.V:

I pop away, I don't know where I pop to. I just needed to get away from them.

I open my eyes to find myself in a familiar face. Despite everything, I smile and slide over to my favorite spot. I guess even with my mind jumbled, I still love this same spot. It was shady and nice. Always there for me when nobody else was.

It felt like home.

I take a deep breath, I can't do this bull shit anymore. At first, it was just one tear. Then another.

Then another, then another, then another, then another, then another, then another, then another, then another.

Soon, it was steady streams of sobs as I poured my eyes out onto the area around me. I sobbed and sobbed as rivers fell from my one eye that I could see out of. I still can't believe it, how could I be so naïve. 

Maybe having the world as your oyster isn't all it's cracked up to be.



Word count: 1058

Hey my besties <3 I just wanted to get something out before my school year started. Updates will probably slow down when it starts because it sucks. 

I really hate school, I feel like everyone does. I kinda miss my friends though, so I'm kind of looking forward to it.

ALIRGHT BYE BYE <3!!!!!!!!!

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