I love you like no other - LIMEY x READER

190 7 5

Requested by: KetchupFromRoblox

Alright so confession time...I ate glow stick juice in preschool and I really REALLY hate x Reader. But I didn't put it in my welcoming page so that's my baaaad. I'll change it soon (maybe) but I feel like I should do this one because it doesn't feel right to just deny them the fic they requested sooooo yeah, sorry if it sucks ass. I like ur page btw Ketchup, you've got some cool stuff. :)

Context Tiimmeee:

You like hearing Limey ramble about his evil plans. You think it's cute <3 !!HUMANIZED!! This is placed after BURNER 3. Enby Y/N btw.


Your P.O.V:

Man this place is really REALLY boring. Just a blank expanse of nothing but sunset orange is kind of REALLY boring you know?

I honestly don't know how anyone can live in this place. I don't even know why I'm here. I mean all I do all day is just watch people compete in random challenges given out by this giant 8,0 guy like they're candy at a movie theater. 

There's not a lot of things that really keep me going anymore. Besides my boyfriend, he's great. He competes in these weird competitions like I talked about earlier. He does pretty well in them if I'm being honest.

I try my best to give him as much support as possible in his little endeavors. They're a bit fun to watch I suppose.

"Hi!~ It's me your favorite!" a familiar voice chants from behind me. I smile like and idiot to myself as I turn to face him.

"Hey babe, how'd the contest go?" I ask as he sits down besides me.

"Magnificent! I of course, carried my team and led them to a stunning victory!" He boasted, clearly proud of himself for his accomplishments. I chuckle and give in to his ego.

"Great job sweetie! I'm sure your team is very lucky to have you!" I praise him as he smiles and kisses my cheek.

"Thank you! I know that once I am able to rule over all of their puny lives, you and I can reign supreme over them! I know just what we can do! First we can gain their trust by carrying them in challenges and-" He begins to ramble on about how amazing his plans are and what we can do to make the world ours.

It's pretty cute. I love watching him passionately rambling about his plans to rule the world together. Limey isn't usually the one to share stuff with. So I'm honored he wants to rule the world together.

It honestly so cute when his face lights up when he rambles about his plans. The passion in his eyes is something I chase after. I love him with my whole bleeding heart. 

"Uh- Babe? Are you even listening?" He asks suddenly. I snap out of my thoughts and face him.

"Maybe~ Your face is just so cute I get lost in it easily~" I say, trying to flirt with him. I think it works because his face turns beet red.

"Wha- WHA- No no no, wait huh?" He stutters out, clearly flustered and taken aback by my comment. I snicker at his confusion and place my hand on his.

"What~? It's true...I have an amazingly cute boyfriend whose going to rule the world some day~ Cut me some slack." I calmly whisper in his ear. He blushes even redder and hides his face in his hands.

"SH-SHUT UP!! >X(."

I laugh and grab his wrists so he can't cover his face anymore. I give him a long kiss on his cheek as he grumbles something under his breath.

"What was that darling?~" I ask him as he glares back at me.

"I love you..." He says quietly, clearly still embarrassed. I smirk at him and kiss him straight on the lips as he kisses back. I pull away and lay my head on his shoulder.

"Love you too my king..."



SO uh- my wattpad broke and it doesn't have the correct number of words I wrote so no word count today sorry :(.

Its over 500 so yeah that's all I got.  I actually kind of liked this one, so I might keep x Reader available for fics. Who knows, my mental may get absolutey destroyed and I might get rid of it who knows??? Also sorry this one is so short. I had no ideas.

Eh oh well.

BYE BYE <3 Love you guys ^^

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