You're beautiful just the way you are... - Domino x Reader

222 3 2

Requested by: Sillyrei

Heyy everyone, kinda still on haitus. I'm getting better though. I thinks. Thanks for being patient with me <:)

Sillyrei is such a cool name. I really hope you consider being a future writer friend, good luck on your journey :)


Domino has facial dysmorphia (lol same), y'know cause of the eye thing? (I know the wiki says otherwise BUT IT'S MY AU >:((((( /j ) Plot twist, his eyes don't actually look like that, his facial dysmorphia is just that bad. Humanizeddd, NB Y/N (ALSO not in the setting of the actual AIB, that would be to hard for my poor little brain DX)

Dis is part one of this persons request!!! The next one is a different character tho-


Y/N P.O.V:

I enter the apartment and plop my bags down on the floor. Shutting the door and locking it with my spare keys, and turning on the lights. I stroll over to the sink to grab me some water. I let it run before turning it off and taking a sip.

Work was long today, I'm glad I can finally relax at home. It's honestly insane how busy we were today.

I walk over to me and Domino's shared bedroom, wanting to check up on how he was doing. He has been less social ever since I started working later. I get worried about him easily, so it doesn't hurt to check up on him every now and then.

Knocking on the door, I wait for a response. It usually doesn't take to long, he's punctual about these things.

I continue to wait.

And wait.

and wait...

"Babe? You in there?" I call out, after a few moments of more silence, I open the door with a shrug. Stepping in, I see my messy side of our room and his much more neat and clean side. Typical. Nothing out of the ordinary yet.

"Babe? Where are you...?" I call out yet again, I start to get a bit worried. He's usually in here reading a book or complaining about being British to his friends. This is's quiet.

"Domino." I say more firmly, checking around the clearly empty room. I open up to closet to find nothing in there. That was expected, the closet would be the last place he would want to hide.

After a few minutes of searching, I take my loses and go check the bathroom adjacent to our bedroom. It's closed, weird. It's usually open, I knock on it. "Domino...are you in there?"

No response again, I knock, louder this time. "Domino? Can you tell me that your in there...?" I feel my heart beat begin to get faster, this is freaking me out. He's never like this, he's never locked himself in the bathroom before...if he's even in the bathroom. What if he left...and didn't tell me...? I shake my head out of my thoughts, no way. He'd tell know that.

"Domino...please...answer me..." I beg, I feel my hand shaking as I place my hand on the locked door nob.



I watch as the door is unlocked, I knock again just to be safe.

"May I come in...?" I ask, again, just to be safe.

"...yeah..." I hear his voice from the other side of the door. Immediately, I open the door to be greeted by him. Standing in front of the mirror, his puffy, red eyes examine himself thoroughly. He looks like a mess, but he still looks adorable.

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