Airy the Amazing Preschool Teacher

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I have this drawing on my art book. And it's just HFJOne contestants if they were Preschoolers, and Airy was their teacher. I think it be funny :).


So they're all still objects and they're about 5-10 years old. Youngest being Tomato at 5. And the oldest being Soda Bottle and Stone at 10 and 10 1/2 respectively. Abstracty and Folder are unknown ages because, COME ON. They have a bunch of silly adventures together. Their object names are just nicknames in this universe.


Airy P.O.V:

Why am I doing this? I don't know how to take care of kids. Why am I starting a daycare? Well, you have to learn somehow I guess.

I sit at the steps of my little home. Waiting for the kids to get here. A few cars pull up. I get a bit nervous. I'm worried I'll hurt one of them. They all kind of stumble towards my house. I get up and walk up to greet them.

"Uh- Hi, I'm -uh...Airy. You can call me whatever you want I guess. Mr. Airy, just Airy whatever you're okay with." I nervously tell them. eight year old's are scarily judgmental.

There's a backpack, a candle, a magazine, a piece of bread, a soda bottle and a little tomato. The candle steps up first and greets me with a little wave.

"Hi! I'm Amelia. My favorite color is yellow :3," She says happily. I smile at her, she's pretty sweet.

"Hi Amelia, my favorite color is...huh, I don't have one." I realize, never really thought of favorite colors. She thinks for a moment.

"You're favorite color is blue now! You look like you'd like blue." She states with this giant grin on her face. I nod with a silly grin of my own.

"Thanks Amelia, I do like blue I guess."


After the rest of the kids got here, we all sat around a carpet I set up. It's in a circle so you can see everyone.

"Hi everyone, welcome to this Daycare. I don't really have a name for this group yet. But that's besides the point." I explain as I look around at all the faces.

"Let's start with a little game, we'll come up with nicknames for each other. I'll start." I look around for a few moments before finding a strange looking kid. They're just a bunch of floating triangles.

"Hmmmmm, you," I say pointing to the kid. "Your name is...Ab...Abstracty." I smile at my creative name. 

"Now you, pick someone and give them a nickname." The guy just kind of sits there for a moment, then they slowly move towards a circle. Then they start making weird noises, they then morph in to a distorted version of the circle. 

"H..h.h.h.hi! YouU'RE naME iS ciRCLe!!" The triangles say, distorted. Circle looks confused and afraid. But he goes with it.

"uh okay..." He looks around and turns to a large red tray. 

"You're name is going to be Tray, okay?" He says happily. The Tray girl turns her head in confusion, but shrugs it off.

"Okay! hmm, you're name is..."

This continues on until every kid is named. Huh, that worked surprisingly well. Some kids still looked confused. Like Ame-uh...Scenty. 

"Are these names just based off our objects?" She asked innocently. I wasn't expecting it to be all about their objects. 

"Well I guess, I does make it easier." I smile sweetly. I slowly get up and stand before the mass of small children before me.

"You guys can do whatever you want now. Lunch is going to be in a few hours. It's gonna be pizza." I tell them as I leave for my office, thingy. A small cheer erupts from the kids as they scurry around. 


I'm just sitting in my office, on my phone. Occasionally glancing up at the little gremlins, making sure they don't die. Y'know the basics. 

"Mr. Airy!" 

I look up to see Magazine and Moldy with a scared look on their faces.

"Huh, what's up?" I ask getting up from my seat, hopefully no one is dying.

"I-it's Tomato! He's stuck and we can't get him down!" Magazine cried as she grabbed my hand. Well okay then.

"Uh- okay, show me where he is and I'll see what I can do." After making a short little walk over to the kids play area, I see a crowd of the children looking up at a shelf. 

"What- What're you guys doing?" I ask, trying to see what they're looking at. When looking up I'm shocked to see Tomato is on  top of a high shelf. Further up than even I can reach. He's just kind of sitting there, with a blank stare on his face.

"Uh- ok-kids! Don't panic Tomato's going to be fine we just have to get him down-"

"HE'S FALLING!!" Backpack yells, I look back up and sure enough, Tomato has started to tip over.

"Kids watch out!" I order as I push my way through the crowd, just as Tomato plumets to the ground. I extend my arms out and catch him. I breathe in a sigh relief. 

"Oh my god..." I mutter under my breath. I look around at all the scared faces.

"How did he even get up there?" I ask, "That's really dangerous, you guys need to be more careful."

Out of nowhere I realize it's 2:00. Time for everyone to go home. Everyone departs slowly, getting picked up by their parents. That interesting first day.

"Mr. Airy..." 

I look down, it's Scenty. I smile, I like her she's very sweet.

"Yes Scenty?" I ask kneeling down to her level. She stares at me for a moment. Then gives e a giant hug that lasts for what feels like forever. I'm...well shocked.

"Thank you..." She whispers in my ear. I...feel happy? She's so sweet, I've never really been hugged before. I awkwardly return her hug, wrapping my arms around her. 

Maybe kids aren't so bad.


Word count: 968

Sorry this took so long to come out. I might make more of these "Airy the Amazing Preschool teacher." story's. Who knows. :)

Hope you guys are hydrating, it's so hot here man. 


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