You're perfect the way you are - Cherry Jr. Fluff

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I love Cherry Jr. so much and I love the AU where Black Hole adopts him it just makes my brain be happy. I happy with their cute little father- son relationship. This is pretty heavily inspired by DiamondDragon2002 (Of course)


So CJ is feeling alienated at school and is being bullied. Black Hole finds out and goes mama bear mode on the kids and the teachers who did nothing about it. !!HUMANIZED!! sorry if you don't like humanized :(. Okay but, they're humanized but it's like MHA where some people have powers but others don't. It's more common to not have powers but there are still a good number of people that do. So BH can fly and...SUCK. CJ is 8 years old in this fic. And god knows how old BH is TBH. !!THIS AINT A SHIP DONT WORRY!!


Cherry JR. P.O.V:

I got made fun of at school again today. People always calling me "adopted" and "weird freaky jungle kid" It makes me really upset to be honest. 

I hate how they hurt me, they hit me and laugh at me. I tried to tell the teacher about it, like how Black Hole told me to. But they just don't do anything. She just shrugs it off as kids picking on each other and that I'm being, in her own words, "To sensitive".

"Hey Jr.!" I hear a familiar voice call out. I turn to see Black Hole slowly floating towards the bench I'm sitting on. 

"Oh! Hi Black Hole!" I say giving him a fake little smile. I don't think he notices and he keeps on talking.

"How was your day?" He asks. Normal parent stuff so I go along with it. 

"It was good! I learned a bit." I say still keeping the fake smile on my face. He looks at me and nods his head.

"That's good, okay then lets head home. Okay?" He asks extending his hand. I stare for a moment, lost in thought. Before taking his hand and standing up.


Getting home is always such a nice feeling. It makes me feel better knowing the day is over. Especially when I had a day like the one I had today. 

Hopping out of BH's arms I walk towards where my room is. I didn't really feel hungry, so I decided to just skip dinner and tell him I didn't want to eat.

"Hey CJ? Can we talk for a minute?" 

I turn to see Black Hole closing the front door behind me. Huh, wonder what he wants to talk about.

"Yeah sure, what do you want to talk about?" I ask calmly, sitting down on the couch. He gets the message so he sits down facing me on the arm chair. I twiddle my thumbs a bit as I wait for him to start talking.

"So...have things been okay at school lately?" 

Oop, time to play dumb.

"Uh- What's school??"


"I mean- It's fine, everything's been pretty okay." I lie through my teeth. I don't want him worrying about me and my dumb problems.

He gives me a weird look, which is understand considering the caboodle of nonsense that just left my mouth.

"Uh- Okay..." He says quietly while still looking at me weird look. We kind of just sit in awkward silence for a few moments. I can feel my thoughts bubbling away inside me. I really feel like I should tell him what's been happening at school, but I really don't want him to worry-

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