Lovingly watching - Blocky x Taco

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Requested by: cyansharpie

Heyyyyyy                 ^^^^ Love your username so girly pop. Also why do people asking everyone if they post their books on Neobook? Like dude. I see it happened to you as well.


"Uh blockyxtaco, fluff, woody is a third wheel there, they are also objects, when they kiss, woody's hiding in that same bush in ep 29, recording what they did using his device thingy , which is a product from yellow face's warehouse, woody used a paper slip to buy it, and in his accent, he says I'm totally showing this to everyone, blocky and taco go chase after him while woody uses his meteor powers, the powers he had when the woody plush was introduced, to just go show everyone" - Cyansharpie

mmmmm Context.


Blocky P.O.V:

Man, BFB was great! I've made so many great friends, memories, achievements...and of course...my amazing girlfriend! Taco!

She's so kind to me, even after all of my mistakes. After all of my mean actions, she's always there for me...and I love her so much for that. I love her more than I love playing this stupid game. I was devastated when she was eliminated, I didn't know what to do. I was going to revert back to my old ways, I almost did...But I remembered her teachings and pushed through. 

I'm proud of myself.

"Blocky!" I turn to see Taco running up to me, embracing me in a warm hug. I laugh and return the hug with a bit more force.

"Hey babe! Great to see you again, did'ya have fun with Lollipop and Flower?" I ask her, pulling away from the hug. She nods and flashed me her signature wide grin.

"Yep! Lollipop and Flower are awesome! Their so nice to me!" I can't help but smile at her happy attitude, she had been through a lot...being abandoned and all. But she's made an outstanding recovery.

I'm proud of her too.

"I'm glad!" I say to her, hugging her close and pecking her on the cheek. Never wanting to let go of her warm embrace. She hugs me back, her head on my shoulder. I smile at the comfortable feeling engulfing my body.

It's usually so hot in the desert...but her hugs make it 10x hotter. And I don't mind one bit! She's so amazing I couldn't bear no hugging her.

"I love you so much Blocky...thank you for being here for me...." She whispers in my ear, my chest heats up and I feel my face flush. She's said 'I love you' to me a lot...but this was different. Me being wrapped in her arms...the warm hugs she gives...it was perfect.

"I-...I love you so much as well..." I sniff, hugging her even tighter. She takes her head off my shoulder, and looks me in the eye, concerned.

"Honey?...Why're you crying? Are you okay?" She asks me, clearly worried. I sniff a bit more and let out a gentle nod. I can't help it, a few loose tears escape my eyes.

"Babe...?" She asks me kissing away my tears. "What happened? Is it something I said?" She asks, worriedly. I shake my head, calming down a bit.

"You're just so perfect...I love you so much, you don't even understand how much I love you." I whisper to her, not really able to speak at the moment. She looks at me with wide eyes, I'm not the most emotional person in  the world, heck I haven't cried since "Up" came out! But...she's just so perfect, and she loves me. For all that I am.

"Thank you for believing in me..." I tell her, "Thank you for helping me...and loving me...and making me a better person..." I choke out, tears starting to come out of my eyes again. She smiles at me, and kisses my tears away. 

"I love you too, don't thank me...you deserve love too Blocky..." She whispers to me. I look at her with a loving gaze, not wanting to love anything but her for the rest of my life.

I finally smash my lips against hers. Lovingly kissing her, wanting the kiss to last forever. She looks surprised for a second, but then kisses me back.

"Wahh wahh wah wAh wAHhh Wah WAhhh Wahhh!"

I snap my head to see Woody holding the camera he just bought. He said he was going to show everyone.

"Woody- NO-" I say, pulling away from the kiss and running up to him. He panics, grabbing the printed out photo he mumbles something. I look at him confused for a second, before seeing a meteor come out of nowhere to take him away.

"WAH WAH WAH WAHHHH!!" He says happily, becoming more faint as he flies toward the other contestants.


Leafy P.O.V:

I was just hanging out with Firey. I was so glad we're on good terms now!! We had come back from our Dream Island to visit for a bit. Everyone was just as awesome as I remember! I think we should all get together again...just so we can-


I jump up, me and Firey snapping out heads to see a...meteor. We share a weird look, then he goes up to check it out. There's a picture on the rock. Firey picks it up and looks at it for a second.

"It's a picture of Taco and Blocky kissing..." He says, waving the picture in his hand, showing it to me. Well I'll be...it really was a picture of Taco and Blocky kissing.

"...I mean I had a feeling they were together-" I admit. Firey looks at me and gives me a weird smile.



Word count: 908

Yay finally done. That took like an hour what- For this crappy story. My bad dude, I'm sleep deprived.

Yoo BFDIA 6!! I though it would be IDFB 2...but I guess I was wrong. I watched with @DiamondDragon2002 and My friend Jayla, WHO I CAN'T TAG FOR SOME REASON!!!

Aight bye bye!!!

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