01 Night ride

139 8 3

Warnings: potentially sensitive content on alcohol and drugs.


The night was cold and dark, as Jungkook stepped out of the bar to take some fresh air.
He took a deep breath and released it slowly, forming a thin white cloud on the darkness. He looked as it dissipated, but at some point the cloud started to get bigger and whiter, and surround him, to the point that it made the boy start coughing. That was no fresh air steam, was just a strong scented cigarette smoke, coming from the side of the bar.

He noticed that there was a small bench, probably marking a smoking area, and a tall boy using it as it should. As JK approached the spot, the boy moved to the side as a friendly sigh, though there was already enough space for someone to sit.

- 'night - Jungkook greeted and the other side did the same, with a deep and rusted voice.
He sat awkwardly, too shy to stand, since he was given the seat already, and the fact that the other boy offered him a cigarette ( which he didn't accept) made everything even more awkward. " Why am I sitting on the smoking area without smoking? Is it too soon to get up and leave, or should I wait a little more so it'll be less awkward?"

He stared in blank space while these thoughts crossed his mind, and the boy beside him couldn't care less about what he was doing or thinking. Actually, even if a single horned horse crossed their way, that boy would probably just lift his cigarette and calmly say " look, an unicorn" and then start giggling.

A few minutes passed, which seemed like a reasonable amount of time for JK, and another boy exited the bar. He looked around for a while, until spot the bench and followed there.

- Suga hyung! - the cigarette man said.

- Don't call me that. - he answered.

His tone was as cold as his expression, but the other part didn't seem to care as the new guy sat on the bench with a grumpy face, which seemed to be default.

- It's fuking cold here. - the one called Suga said.

- Here - his friend stretched an arm and passed the same cigarette he was smoking - heat it up.

Jungkook sat there like a confused cardboard, calculating the right time to leave without grab much attention, despite being between the two friend as if one of them. The smoke wasn't that bad, it actually had a different smell of what he was used to, but not bad.

He reached his phone on the coat's pocket and decided to isolate himself from reality by reading old group messages. Nothing very interesting, that's why the notifications were always off, but they had a great use now. After a while he heard someone calling and pinching him, it was the cigarette man.

- Hey, boy.

JK looked up surprised, with the eyes as big as a deer's, even though he was already a graduating college student. The Man beside him was very handsome with his dark brown hair eyes a little dropped on the corners and a little tan visible even under the white light.

- What's your name?

- I'm Jay- I'm Jungkook.

- Oh, cool. I'm Taehyung ,or just Tae, and this grumpy grandpa - he pointed at his pale friend on the other side - is Suga.

- I'm Yoongi, don't call me that. - he said in monotone, without even turning the head.

Tae giggled again and kept going - you came here for fresh air? There's a lot of smoke tho.

- yeah, but it's okay, I'm used to it. I'm just waiting for my friends to sober up a bit, so I can drive them home without bigger disasters.

- I get you, we're trying to get home too.

Night Ride | Jikook-ENGUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum