12 Familiar strange in the house

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Omg I cringe so much at my own titles


They shared a cab home, the three of them were in silence all the way. Jungkook and Jimin couldn't help to check Hoseok's expression from time to time and exchange glances, they have never seen their friend come back from a party like that. In fact, they usually weren't together since Hoseok always had a hookup for the night.

This time was different and Jimin wouldn't let his friend spend the rest of the night alone in a sour and depressed mood, even if it meant parting from his lover for a while.

Jungkook's house was closer so he had to get out of the car first. Jimin didn't want to leg go just yet, so he asked the driver to wait for a minute and walked him to the door.

- Sorry I can't stay over - Jimin mumbled, looking down at the stairs on the front door. His pouting face was the cutest thing and Jungkook couldn't help himself from cupping it with his own hands.

He stroked Jimin's cheek with his thumb and leaned closer.

- I know Jimishi, that's okay. - Jungkook's words were soft and warm - I might die of loneliness tonight, though.

They both giggled and Jimin threw a soft punch on his belly, making Jungkook jump back to scape it.

- Stop playing around, you brat. - Jimin answered, trying to hide the smile on his face and look angry, but the youngest wasn't fooled.

Jungkook let a small laugh and approached again to hug his hyung. He enlaced Jimin's shoulders and buried him on his chest, resting his chin on top of the other's head. The warm hug protected them from the cold nigh breeze and they stayed for a while, as if recharging to last until the next time they meet.

Jimin raised his head and stood on his toes to reach Jungkook's level, then spoke with a tender voice.

- I'm the one who'll miss you tonight.

His eyes were shining, drawing Jungkook in and inviting for a kiss.

Jungkook really wanted to touch those lips again, but he wouldn't be able to stop so easily this time. He wouldn't let Jimin go home tonight if they kissed.

A cough was heard and Jungkook raised his eyes from his lover and looked over his head. Parked o the road their cab still waited, and through the window he could see Hoseok's serious and angry expression.

"Oh fuck, they are waiting AND watching"

He placed his hands on Jimin's shoulders and turned him around, facing the car. This way Jungkook wouldn't be bent by his boyfriend's seductive eyes.

- Jimishi, you better go now or Hoseok will come here beat me up. - Jungkook spoke from behind his ears.

Jimin let a small laugh and agreed. He kissed Jk's hand that still rested on his shoulder and then walked down the stairs back to the car.

He felt lonely waving to his lover as they drove away, but couldn't complain, as he would also want to be there for a friend in need.


As Jungkook crossed the door of his apartment, first thing he noticed was the strange display at the entrance.

"Jin hyung sneakers, my slippers and...?" Someone was home, but he didn't recognize the shoes.

As he unzipped his boots, the voices from the interior became more distinct.

- Who the hell cut carrots like that? It's even harder than the normal way! - that was definitely Jin hyung complaining, he've become so used to it by now.

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