10 Party Party Yeah 1

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They crossed the club's entrance and were handed a shot of tequila each, just to start the night. Jungkook looked at the small plastic cup and remembered the words he said minutes ago about not drinking.

Laser lights crossed the dark room from side to side, making faces and bodies show and disappear again in seconds. He tuned back and saw Jimin looking around and opening up a smile when their eyes met. He had his hair longer on the bangs and slightly trimmed at the sides, which Jungkook found extremely hot every time his head turned around. Jimin's eyes almost closed because of the smile, but sill had so much impact on Jungkook's heart, they were dreamily soft yet made his chest play like a drum.

It would be a challenge. To spend the whole night beside his crush, who was specially sexy and appealing tonight, in this numbing atmosphere and remain sober. He looked once more at the small cup on his hand.

"Oh well, would be rude to refuse now" - Jungkook turned it and swallowed all at once, the drink went down burning as it should.

Jimin laughed as he looked his friend brake his own words so fast. He placed his arm around Jungkook's shoulder and brought their faces close, almost touching.

- No salt, no lemon? - Jimin mocked - This cup is such a waste of plastic for a small drink.

Jungkook didn't say a thing, he was too focused on the distance between their lips, feeling Jimin's breath as he leaned closer. Even in the dark he could see the soft and pinkish lips moving, followed by a energized voice almost covered by the loud music.

His crush's white hair was changing colors every time a light run through it, making him stand out in the dark. Jimin was beautiful and it wasn't only on Jk's eyes, he could see people glancing towards his crush from everywhere, boy or girl, they turned around to look as soon as Jimin entered the party. Jungkook knew it and was proud of his friend, but also jealous of strangers, for they could look as they please, while he had to settle with small glances.

Jimin tightened his grip on Jungkook's shoulder making him lower his neck, putting their faces closer and cheeks almost touching. He whispered on the other's ear with a soft voice, letting a warm breath follow.

- Are you listening?

Jungkook's heart started racing and he turned his face around with a surprised look, but Jimin was still close to his ear and their nose touched with the movement. Their eyes locked again but this time were much warmer and intense, so close they could feel each other's breathing. For a split second Jimin's eyes traveled down to Jungkook's lips and then back again, making their stare more intense.

Jungkook raised his arm, ready to hold Jimin's waist and push him closer, but stopped midair in a tense grip. He shouldn't do it, he couldn't do it, he couldn't lose Jimin. He was too important of a friend to lose over some lustful desires. Jungkook had to restrain himself from touching or even being too close.

He placed his arm back by his own side and was the first to look away, since Jimin mastered every staring competitions.

- W-what is it? - Jungkook said, without looking at him.

Jimin felt him back away so he did the same, withdrawing his arm from Jungkook's shoulder in a shy movement.

- I asked if you want to walk around to see the place. - he looked at Jungkook's distant expression. The taller nodded at the idea, they wouldn't be so close walking and that would prevent him from build up more tension.

Jimin turned to inform Hoseok their plan and the energetic boy already had a different drink on his hands and some girls around, giggling at his jokes. His social skills were on top wherever they went, making friends was easy for him as drinking water. He didn't hesitate to take a stroll with his bros though, they haven't gotten to the center of the party anyway.

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