13 Almost family dinner

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As Jungkook came out of the bathroom, the two hyungs were still in the kitchen, but they seemed to be getting along a little better now.

He sat on the sofa, taking small glances at the whispering voices at the kitchen behind the halfwall. The black haired boy was surprised that they actually could get something done there, both seemed too big to share that small space and don't just knock things over. He also took the chances to have a better look at Namjoon, who he had seen only by glances.

The Man was big, and that was his first impression. He had his long sleeves folded to the elbow while cooking, showing his tensed forearm. The shoulders seemed as broad as Seokjin's, but definitely more toned, and the glasses he wore gave him a serious look. He didn't seem scary though, as far as Jungkook had seen, he was more polite than strict. What impressed Jungkook is that he could hold a discussion with Jin hyung without snapping at him, he seemed to actually have fun hearing his complaints.

It felt nice to have more people in the house, specially because Jin rarely brought anyone over, to the point that Jungkook would now and then worry about him never leaving his room. To see them getting along well was a relief.

Jungkook texted Jimin for a long while and then distracted himself rollin on the couch and changing between the tv channels.

Some time passed and Namjoon came over to sit at the couch with his arms crossed and an annoyed expression. He seemed angry at something, but changed it as soon as realized that Jungkook was looking. The questioning eyes of the youngest made him relax and smile a little.

- Jin hyung said he'll finish the food. - Namjoon answered the question that wasn't even asked, but sadly Jin heard and corrected him.

- I don't want anything else broken in my kitchen! - Seokjin shouted from the other side, holding a pair of shopsticks snapped in half.

Namjoon sighted and rolled his eyes, but was wise enough not to answer.

The youngest looked at him carefully, but Namjoon seemed like an open and receptive person, so he wasn't afraid to start a conversation with him.

- Hyung, I didn't know you were close to Jin hyung.

Nam looked at him as if thinking what to answer.

- I don't know if we are... close. - his eyes ran though the room trying to find the words, then came back to Jungkook. - We are... We have things in common, I guess.

- You like gaming too? - Jungkook asked with big curious eyes.

- No, I'm more into artistic hobbies. - he chuckled.

- Oh, I see... - the youngest seemed a little disappointed - Then you work together?

- N-no, I work with editorial writing. - Namjoon was starting to feel pressured by all the questions and intense gaze.

Like a heaven signal, Jungkook's screen phone lightened and a short message from Jimin popped.

JM: Good night, see you tomorrow bunny boy.

A smile grew into his face as he picked up and answered with a "good night" and heart emojis.

Namjoon felt glad that the questions had stopped. He noticed the change in Jungkook's reaction and couldn't help asking.

- Your girlfriend?

The youngest felt shy for being too obvious.

- Something like that...

He didn't know how much Jimin wanted to be open about their relationship, they haven't discussed it yet, so he felt it'd be better to be vague about it.

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