08 Crazy Tae wants to get killed

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Jimin and JK were closer than ever, they spent every bit of free time together, even if it meant walking from one campus to another at least twice a day. Those things didn't matter, the expectation of meeting and progressing their relationship gave enough energy to live the fullest.

It was the last week of the semester, all tests were over and the anticipation of holidays lifted the mood everywhere.

The two boys agreed to meet at uni's cafeteria for lunch, this time on the contemporary arts building.

Jungkook was scrolling through his phone, waiting Jimin come back with the food, when he heard a strong voice calling.

- Jungkook, my friend! - Tae, who he met in the same night as Namjoon, waved and came closer. - I knew I've seen you before, we're in the same uni!

He placed his food tray on the table without waiting for an invitation and sat across Jungkook. The later remembered him, but was surprised that Tae did, since he looked so high that night.

- Never seen you here though, what course are you in? - Tae asked enthusiastically.

- Hum, business. - Jungkook was still a little intimidated by his over friendly attitude.

- Nice, I'm more of a fashion guy. - he laughed.

JK nodded and took a closer look on his clothes. He had a burgundy red coat, which looked expensive since it was made with a fabric Jungkook had never seen before, and a printed shirt under it with a sunglasses pinned on its pocket. It was rather extravagant, specially for college, but the youngest remembered his almost completely black wardrobe and didn't feel in a position to judge.

- Thanks for dropping us off that night, sleeping on benches is way too cold for my delicate health - Tae laughed - doesn't seem to bother my friend Suga, though.

The last part caught JK's attention. He promised Hoseok to forget that name, but would it be so bad if he asked just a little? Curiosity was a killer for him.

- About this Suga...

- Oh, you remember him? - Taehyung said while digging into his food - A total grandpa, right? But he's cool. - he giggled , then looked at Jungkook for a while as if remembering something - by the way, that friend of yours...

Tae was in the middle of his sentence when a girl and a boy wearing matching styles stopped by the side of the table, they seemed to be in a very angry mood.

- Tae! - The girl shouted but only Jungkook flinched with the loud voice, Taehyung looked unbothered - Your ex is trying to reach you for days now, are you really going to keep ignoring people like that?

The smiley and frivolous expression on Tae's face had changed into a cold one, and he looked away with disdain, not even bothering to turn at the speaker.

- As you said, my ex, why do I still have to care about them? - He was still more interested in his food.

- How can you say that, you two dated for so long!

- And we decided to break, why are you hurt?

The girls face colored in pink, anyone could see that she was just so mad at him.

-Well, that's because I -

In the middle of her speech everybody just stopped and turned to the small figure placing his food tray on the table. Who would be crazy to just butt in the middle of a fight and eat? Jimin just wanted to sit silently and unnoticed beside his friend, but he became the main attraction for a second. Jungkook pushed him to sit closer and exchanged looks, showing that he was as much confused with all that as the one who just arrived.

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