11 Party Party Yeah 2

89 5 2

Warning: hot stuff in this chapter. I don't think it's considered mature so, yeah. That's all the warning lol

And thanks for the 400+ views and 30 stars!! I never got this far 😂
All the comments warm my ❤️


Jimin leaned one of the drinks to Jungkook and took a sip from his own, looking away at people dancing. The glass that JK was holding had a deep red color at the bottom and a transparent liquid at the top, decorated with a yellow slice that seemed from a orange or lemon. Looked like an expensive drink, it was a expensive party anyway.

He took a sip from it and tasted amazing! That could end dangerously fast if he don't pay attention.

- It's delicious, isn't it? - Jimin leaned closer so their shoulders touched and he smiled - I could drink this all night!

- Please don't, you drink way too much sometimes - Jungkook laughed in response and Jimin gave him a angry look, but then laughed too.

- I can hold my liquor - he then bumped his shoulder on Jungkook's and let a mischievous smile show, lowering his voice to an alluring tone - Even if I don't, I got you to take me home.

That nade Jungkook's face burn in a deep pink around his cheeks, he had no control over the reaction from the things Jimin said, always taken by surprise. And the other part was delighted do see that every little thing messed with Jungkook's head. His hyung had way too much fun teasing him.

The fact that Jungkook would blush and get shy every time his hyung flirted with him, was the biggest reason he kept doing it. To see that big tattooed boy, wearing dark clothes and big boots melt under his words was beyond pleasing.

Jungkook brushed his hair nervously and took more sips from his drink, as Jimin was staring at him with a small grin. He looked so sexy and appealing with his profile outlined by the bar lighting. His shoulders and chest looked even bigger in the shadows, making Jimin wonder how strong he became since his workout routine started.

Jimin rested his cheek on Jungkook's shoulder with a innocent and at the same time inviting smile, making the youngest head spin. His gaze towards Jungkook was intense, involving him like a spell.

He enlaced Jungkook's waist with one arm and spoke close to his ear.

- You're so silent tonight - His eyes were shining under the white locks, but Jungkook could feel the desire on them. Or it was the reflection of his own needs?

- What's on your mind, what are you thinking, Kookie?

"Kookie" that word made his heartbeat rise and head incline slightly towards Jimin. He was slowly falling into his hyung's game and didn't find the will to stop himself. He wanted to to surrender to his desires without thinking of the consequences for once.

He got even closer to Jimin's face, feeling the scent of his body and warm breath that came from his parted lips. His gaze shifted between Jimin's hazy eyes and pinkish lips, not knowing where to focus.

- It's you - Jungkook said in a begging voice - You're on my mind, it's you I'm thinking about.

He raised his hand and grabbed Jimin's forearm with strength, pushing him closer, enough to make their lips brush softly, almost kissing.

His eyes almost closed, ready to claim those lips to himself, as Jimin followed him, pushing his waist closer and holding it with both hands now.

But for less than a second his eyes opened again and Jungkook retreated, completely taken by fear. His head instinctively lowered and he started to mumble - I-I'm sorry, I-I-

Night Ride | Jikook-ENGOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora