16 Golden Waves

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They drove for a while into the evening. When the car finally stopped, Jimin could see the golden waves of the sea shining in the distance. The sunlight reflecting in the water was breathtaking, it felt like being inside a impressionist painting.

Jimin left the car silently, only his eyes spoke in a awe, while Jungkook let a smile grow on his lips, for he knew he had made his boyfriend happy once.

- It's so beautiful, Jungkook. - Jimin turned to look him in the eyes - I love it.

It wasn't a shining jewel or expensive dinner, but taking him there at the right day and right time was like a present. A unique and unforgettable one.

- I'm glad you liked it. - the youngest said while placing his arms around Jimin's waist and hugging him softly. - I know how much you love the ocean and always wanted to bring you here.

- Thank you. - the short boy rested his head on Jungkook's shoulder, feeling the calm breath caress his face.

He wished to remember these feelings forever, the world painted gold, the waves crashing in the distance, the sensation of being held between Jungkook's warm and kind arms, safe and cherished.

They stayed there for a while, until Jimin slowly parted from the hug and started walking down along the sea. Jungkook followed right behind in silence.

- Jimishi - Jungkook said and his hyung hid a sime. He could never imagine to be so happy hearing his own name pronounced on somebody's voice, that simple word could make his whole body change.

He didn't turn around, just to hear Jungkook call one more time. But instead, the black haired boy held his hand making Jimin stop.

- Jimin hyung, what is it? - he looked at the shorter with worried eyes - is something wrong, did I do something?

- No... - he looked down, trying to hide his face - It's just... I just felt so happy today.

He could feel his eyes getting wet and turned away. Was it the stars slowly rising above? Or maybe the sound of the waves crashing? He hated being so emotive yet couldn't hold back the tears.

Jungkook saw the shorter shoulders curving as he walked away, and stepped forward, holding him tightly from the back.

His voice was deep and calm, whispering on the other's ear.

- It's okay to cry and to feel happy.... Just don't hide yourself from me, please.

- I-I'm not.

- Then look at me.

Jimin hesitated fot a while but finally turned around, eyes shining with unfallen tears.

- What is there to cry about? - Jungkook asked wiping his cheeks.

- I don't know... I didn't expect to like you so much. - he looked down mumbling - I feel stupid for having so many emotions. I'm not a kid anymore, yet I can't even control my tears.

Jungkook chuckled with his cuteness. He'd never see Jimin as a kid, in fact, the person in front of him was manly in many aspects. But that didn't mean he couldn't give his lover a heart attack with just a cute look or a spoiled act.

- It's okay, I like your emotions too. - the youngest said with a cheeky smile, making Jimin blush and push him away, but the teasing one didn't let go.

- Even when you're angry - Jungkook kissed Jimin's cheek and giggled - or when you blush - then the other cheek - even when you want to punch me like this - another kiss on the cheek.

Jimin stopped dodging and started laughing at his boyfriend's silliness. His arms were too strong to fight, so the hyung just accepted the embrace.

 His arms were too strong to fight, so the hyung just accepted the embrace

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