05 Dream wrecker

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Some time passed and Jungkook could feel his head getting lighter as the locks of hair fell on the ground. He was still looking down with bangs covering half his face, but too obedient to move. He didn't want to make Jimin mad for not staying still and end up messing the cut.

Suddenly there was no more the hairbrush and scissors sound and he heard Jimin's steps going around the chair and stopping in front of him.

His hair was still covering most of the vision so he couldn't tell Jimin's movements or expression, untill he felt a pressure on his knees. Jungkook opened his eyes and looked up abruptly, just to see Jimin's face right in front of his own.

- I'm cutting your bangs now. - his hyung said with a soft and somehow shy smile.

Jk's heart started racing and he was glad that the hair covered the instantly blushed cheeks. Park Jimin was sitting right on his lap, with pijama shorts and Jungkook's legs between his.

Jungkook looked down again, he couldn't face Jimin and still keep his senses, not at this distance. He noticed that only his hyung's tiptoes touched the ground as his legs are smaller, and he had the full weight of Jimin's body above his legs. That was so cute and hot at the same time.

But the hardest to endure wasn't the proximity, it was what to do with his hands. They were placed on his lap and now rested close, between Jimin's thighs, almost touching it.

Jimin started to comb and cut his hair again, completely unaware of the ticking bomb right in front of him. The boy was sweating trying to calm down, without much success.

Jungkook stood there for a while, but couldn't resist the temptation of touching and placed his hands on Jimin's legs. He could feel a small flinch as their skin touched but didn't take back, instead, started caressing the contour of the muscles he'd seen work so hard on stage. Jimin's tight was soft and pale as it went up, almost like paper, and he could see a faint tan.

Soon enough he noticed that the scissors sound had stopped again and looked up, finding Jimin's blushing cheeks and hazy eyes looking at him.

- I- I'm not cutting it too short. - Jimin said in a small voice, looking away.

- Okay.

- Only on the back...

- Okay. - Jungkook didn't stop caressing has he spoke.

- So you can comb... as you wish and...

Jimin blushed even more and his lips trembled as he spoke. He looked back at Jungkook's eyes hesitantly, but found the courage to keep going.

- So you can do it... however... you want...

Those words set Jungkook's body on fire at once, he saw so much desire, mixed with fear and confusion on Jimin's eyes, and he had it all inside too, but this time the feelings seemed like they were about to explode.

Jimin let his items drop to the ground as he held Jungkook's shoulders with both hands, while the other slided his own fingers under hyung's shirt.

Both were breathing heavily, and a soft moan escaped Jimin's lips, as Jungkook grabbed his butt and pushed closer, enough to make his face almost touch his hyung's chest.
He looked up, hearing Jimin panting on his lap.

- Jimishi, can I kiss you? - the youngest said with a warm voice.

The other part nodded and brought the soft pink lips closer and closer as Jungkook closed his eyes to receive it.

But Instead of a kiss, Jungkook heard a faint voice whisper his name. Once, then again, then another time, and suddenly the voice wasn't that far away or tender anymore, it sounded rather angry, actually.

- Hey, Jungkook! Are you sleeping?

He opened his eyes suddenly, completely lost.

- I didn't take that long, how can you sleep so fast? - Jimin sounded half angry.

- I - I...

- Are you okay? - his expression slowly changed to a concerned one, bringing his face closer and looking into Jk's eyes.

Jungkook didn't have to look, he knew very well that something was far from okay under the hoodie resting on his lap.

He felt so stupid for having such a cheesy and unrealistic dream, and still believe in it!
Jimin placed a hand on his forehead without notice.

- You're so hot and sweaty, are you feeling sick? You can rest here for a while if you want.

JK stood up startled by the sudden touch, but still holding his cloth on the same place, while his hyung looked even more worried.
He looked at Jimin's eyes as if was going to say something but, as much as the other waited with curiosity, he closed his mouth again and kept silent. Instead of talking, Jungkook dashed to the entrance.

- I should go, like, right now.

- Wha- Hey! Don't you want to see how it turned out, at least? - Jimin followed him speechless.

- I believe in you, Jimin hyung. I'm going now, thank you for having me.

Jimin watched him barely put the shoes on and leave, being left standing astonished at the entrance.

- "Jimin hyung"? What the hell was that?



Omg I was writing the hot part and was literally playing A Mass For Peace: X. Agnus Dei on the radio. I feel like a sinner lol

Thank you for reading! And don't forget to comment if you like it 🪂

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