03 Fairy dancer

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One thing that Jungkook liked to do after his evening classes was to sneak on arts building to see the contemporary dance performances. If he was lucky he could see Jimin perform in one of the classes too, not that the other part knew about it. He didn't want to act as a stalker or anything, but he really loved the dance, particularly when it comes to Jimin's. It was like seeing an angel fly everytime he jumped, and petals dance in the wind when he tossed and turned, the stage was simply meant for him.

But it doesn't mean he didn't make mistakes, he did, and for Jungkook those were the hardest to watch. Not because they affected the performance, but because of how harshly Jimin would blame himself for it. He worked so hard and yet demanded so much from himself, and that pain JK knew well, because many times he would do the same.

But seeing those beautiful performances was something Jungkook wished he could witness for the rest of his life, even if it was from behind the curtain, like he was right now.

He was immersed watching the dance when a voice called from behind.

- Heey, Kookie! What are you doing there, sneaking like a thief?

Jungkook flinched at the loud voice and turned around.

- Hobi hyung! - he was surprised to see the familiar face around - What are you doing here? Didn't you graduate last year?

- Yeah, I'm here to teach a class on street dance, can't I? - He teased - Oh, did you came for that, maybe? - Hoseok let a small laugh.

- No hyung, I'm just hanging around.

Jungkook cringed instantly. That was the most stupid reason he could come with, specially because the building where he took classes was in the other side of the campus. Nobody would casually hang out so far in the arts and literature grounds, if not for a good reason.

He could see in Hoseok's expression that he didn't believe that excuse for a second. Normally he would tease Jungkook untill he spill out the truth, but there were bigger worries on his head today.

- Okay, super weird, but I respect that. - Hoseok said, more interested in take whatever he was looking for in his many pockets.

He came out with some pills for headache on his hand, tossed them on his mouth and swallowed dow with water. Looking at his face Jungkook could tell they weren't the first ones of the day.

- Hungover, hyung? - Jungkook said, it was his turn to tease.

- Don't mention, I can't even remember how I got home last night.

- Ohh ,what about the mess you made on my car, remember that? - Jungkook said sarcastically. He had some courage to talk to his hyung like that, just because the other part couldn't say a word. Hoseok gave him a fake laugh as if it was all a joke, which was answered with another fake laugh.

- Okay, I'll buy you and Jin hyung some ice cream later, as an apology. - He said losing his smile and just accepting defeat.

- I get two, since I also had to listen to his complains.

Hoseok rolled his eyes but didn't answer. Instead, he opened his flower-shaped side bag and picked a pair of white-framed sunglasses.

- These lights are killing me, I'm glad we won't dance on stage today... - He sighed putting the unfashionable glasses on and yet looking good on it.

That was his style, really baggy overalls, almost fluorescent sneakers, white sunglasses, flower side-bag and a colorful cap on top of his head. Anyone would think it was completely random, but somehow fitted his hyung quite well. Maybe because all those colors reflected his radiant personality too. A total contrast with how Jungkook left his room today, in a complete black outfit.

They talked for a while untill the class was over and Jimin spotted them on his way out.

- Hobi hyung! And Jungkook? - he had a confused expression on his face- what are you doing here?

The question was meant for both but he looked straight to JK, since Hoseok frequently returned to college for events and reunions.

Jungkook looked into his eyes ready to answer, but something made him get lost in there. Maybe the rosey cheeks and hair slightly wet from someone who just came out from a dance practice, or the fact that he was still breathing in a fast peace. Just then he noticed how sexy and thin Jimin's dancing clothes were, to the point that he could almost see his nipples under it.

Not a word came from his mouth as the two boys kept looking at him.

Jungkook tried to snap out of it and come back to reality.

- I -I came because...

"What was the reason again?" Damn, I can't say I'm hanging around that's too stupid" but I already sad that to Hobi hyung, can't change now"

- Are you okay Jungkook? - Jimin touched his shoulders with a worried look, making Jungkook flinch.

- Y-yeah! I... I came to support Hobi hyung's street dance class. - He then opened a shaky smile and looked straight to Hoseok's eyes, which was humiliating because his hyung still had the sunglasses on and he could see his own desperate reflection on it. But it worked, Hoseok went with the flow.

- Yeah! Have you seen this guy dance? - he placed his arm around JK's shoulder, shaking him hard - it's wild!

- Is that so... - Jimin wasn't convinced at all and still a little worried about Jungkook's reactions - That's nice, I guess I'll stay for the class too, then.

Jungkook opened an awkward smile, deeply regretting his decision and sure of the humiliation to follow.

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