06 Hoseok's messy friends

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It was hard to describe ( or understand) Hoseok's personality sometimes, he was mostly bright and outgoing, always making people smile and lifting the mood, yet he had these very strict and disciplined traits, like a perfectionist. And then that one side he wouldn't show anyone if he could help it, a tense, ambitious and grim side he would rather keep to himself.

He was aware of that and had his way of dealing with it, some days better and others, not so much, but overall seemed to be doing a good job.

Around nine in the morning he would go to his teaching class on street dance, focused on hip hop. That's something he liked to do and was glad to find work as soon as leaving college, not to mention he could get by nicely in terms of money because of it.

But no matter how he looked at the bright side, that lingering feeling of underachieving was always there, as if he could do more but never actually reach it.

It was an agonizing feeling sometimes, but he had to deal with it, he couldn't snap like other people. He was the chill and sunny Hoseok and the gloomy mood didn't fit him right, he wouldn't allow such a stupid thing take over him.

Yet, no matter how he looked, take a little of the pain off his chest would be nice. Like the guy inside the car parked right across the street, who was hitting his forehead on the steering wheel and shouting in frustration. That looked crazy.

"My personality might be a mess sometimes, but at least I'm not freaking out like that". As he kept walking down the street, Hoseok noticed that the dark figure had a quite familiar look, until realize "Oh, fuck, that's my friend!"

He dashed across the road and knocked on the window.

- Shit, Jungkook, what the hell are you doing in the middle of the street? - he whispered, trying not to grab more attention.

- I'm stupid, hyung. Stupid, pervert and broke as hell. - Jungkook fell in desperation as he opened the window.

- You realize you're saying that inside a rather good car, right? And I won't even get on the perverted part.

- I'm so stupiiid.

Hoseok looked at his friend whine and, judging from the circles under his eyes, it was like that the whole night. He felt like something serious happened.
Jungkook leaned back on the seat with a red mark on his forehead, just then Hoseok noticed he had his hair much shorter than before.

- I can never look at Jimin's face again. - He stated with a vacant look, as if all the emotions were gone and only emptiness remained.

- What? I thought things were going great, based on what I saw yesterday - Hoseok laughed remembering the embarrassing moment, and the glimpse he had on Jk's weird underwear.

- No, I messed up big time.

Jungkook explained the chaotic events of the last night, on how he had an erotic dream about Jimin while he cut his hair, woke up with a boner and had to run away like a mad man, leaving his crush confused and possibly angry.

Hoseok held back the laughter many times through the story, in respect of his apparently late bloomer friend, and then felt sorry. He knew Jimin and there's no way he was as innocent as portrayed in the eyes of JK.

The boy did have a pretty face and a caring personality with his friends, but was as human as they come, with a bad habit of teasing the ones he liked most.

- Breath a little, I'll talk to him later, he's probably not that angry. - Hoseok said with compassion.

- Really? - Jungkook wiped the tears on his cheek, calming down. - Thank you, hyung.

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