17 Cutting call

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The phone rang and Jungkook looked at the screen, seeing his mother's name. Damn, he couldn't ignore that.

He moved to the side of the bed and sat straight, taking a moment to calm down and clean his throat before talking to his mother. He'd never be able to go back home and face her if the old lady suspected what her youngest son was doing right now.

- Hi mom! - he said a bit too energetic - How are you?

As they talked, Jimin laid with his back on the bed facing the ceiling and silently cursing at the bad timing, but not at Jungkook's mother, since he knew and was found of her. But why did his boyfriend had to be snatched away? All he wanted was some quality time together.

They had a perfect date and now was the moment he nervously waited all week, as if he was a virgin himself. And they were getting so good...

He let a long sigh and raised his head, leaning back on the elbows right behind Jungkook. He could hear the youngest talk, the attention was all on his body. The large shoulders, dark thick hair, the way he could slightly see the veins on Jungkook's arm as he raised the phone to his ear. It was those details that made him head over heels for that cute pouting bunny, he could be so manly sometimes.

Damn, just looking at his back was temptation, Jimin wished that call would end already so they could make out.

- Yeah - yeah, okay mom, I'll bring Jimin too. - the youngest looked back at his boyfriend with a smile - okay, love you too. Bye.

Jungkook put down the pone and let himself fall on Jimin's arms, now both laying on the bed.

- Mom's calling to invite, she want us to go home for the holidays.

The hyung nodded in silence.


- You think I should go too? - Jimin turned the head to look at his boyfriend who was leaning on his chest.

- Of course, you always come. She'll miss if you don't.

- I always come as your... friend - Jimin said a little hesitant. - but now...

- Now you're my boyfriend, so it's a must! - Jungkook smiled but gave him a little pinch on the sides, for doubting his feelings.

The hyung smiled too, since he started spending the holidays with Jungkook's family, he also began to love those days. They were so warm and nice, different from his strict mother who'd spend most time running the cafe anyway.

But for liking them so much that he was also afraid to expose the relationship with their son, what if they get disappointed?

- Is it okay to tell them? I mean... You remember how my mother reacted when I said I was bi...

Jimin raised the question and Jungkook sat down thinking. He never felt like had to tell them he was attracted to men, it's not like he ever said that was straight anyway. As much as Jungkook loved his parents, that was his choice, right?

- Do I have to? - he looked back at Jimin who was still laying down. - I feel like they wouldn't mind much.

- What... - Jimin sat up - what do you mean, of course they will, you're their youngest child!

- yeah but... wouldn't they just end up accepting it anyway?

Jimin looked at him worried, that black haired boy didn't seem to realize that most parents expect their children to be straight from the day they are born. He was sure that they would be at least shocked by the fact that their son likes men.

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