04 JK don't lose

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- I swear, if you give one more side eye to a customer, I'll kick you out of this cafe.

Jimin looked at his annoyed friend sitting like a kid on detention.

- I'm not! It's just... - Jungkook taped his fingers nervously on the counter- why are there so many girls here, anyway?

- Turns out that girls eat too, unexpectedly.

Jungkook turned his eyes impatiently. That's not what he meant, it's just that he was tired of seeing the girls taking glances or even stare at Jimin when ordering. Yes, he was handsome and yes, he was good at whatever he did, but they needed to chill out!

- I mean, where are the guys? There's only females around! - Jungkook kept going so Jimin needed to be serious before losing patience. He leaned on the counter, facing the sulky boy in the eyes.

- They're right here.

Jungkook blushed a little but didn't look away. Well, he had Jimin's attention now so it was okay, right?

- Stop complaining, are you still on your puberty or what? Go order something instead. - His hyung said pulling away and tending the counter.

- I can't, I'm broke. - JK sighed and fell back on the chair. - Too broke to even drink or get a haircut.

Jimin looked at the sudden change on his tone. He could say that Jungkook should find some work instead of wasting his free time at the cafe, but that wouldn't be fair. He knew how much his friend studied hard every day, even though he had the bad habit of skipping classes now and then. And Jimin would miss his company if that annoying brat had to work every day.

He turned around leaning his lower back at the counter across, facing Jungkook. Now that he paid attention, it really was past time to cut his locks, they were almost on his shoulders. Lately Jungkook used a hairband to hold at least half of his hair back, keeping away from his eyes, and making a small ponytail on top of his head.
Jimin though was cute the way he used it, but didn't seem very comfortable.

The blond boy leaned over the balcony and reached his hands to Jungkook's hair, analysing what could be done. JK sat still like a guard dog, feeling the small and delicate fingers run through his head, eventually touching his face and neck. The mixed scent of coffee and clean clothes as Jimin came even closer made his heart race like never before, it was almost too much to take by surprise.

- I can cut it for you - his hyung retreated putting his both hands back at the counter so Jungkook could finally grab some air - If you don't mind, of course.

- R-really?

- Yeah. I'm no hair stylist but I think I can manage it? Just make it shorter, like last year, I remember it was quite nice.

He smiled and Jungkook agreed with no hesitation. He thrusted his friend on it, and wouldn't mind even going bald, if he had those hands stroking his head again. Still would be worth it.

- I can go to your house after my shift, there's no class today. Or you come to mine, doesn't matter. - Jimin shrugged and proceed to prepare the order that had just came in.

He was so chill about it, while Jungkook's mind run though every possibility. They knew each other for some time now but Jungkook had never visited Jimin's home, he had to take this opportunity.

- Yours!- Jungkook sounded a bit too loud and and exited - I mean... my roommate is so noisy when gaming, he has no sense, that would be a bother.

- I'll tell Seokjin hyung you're badmouthing him - Jimin laughed.

- He knows, probably does worse.


They agreed to meet past six, at Jimin's apartment after his shift and Jungkook's evening classes.

Night Ride | Jikook-ENGDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora