Loving my best friend 15

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Chapter Fifteen

-Avonlea's POV-

"I watched my father be murdered by Aunt Ophelia, she stabbed a stake through his heart, right in front of my eyes. My mother's side came from a long line of vampire hunters. So they all hated my father and I, since we were both vampires.

"My parents got together years before I was born. My mother, Cassandra Emelia Preston, was supposed to actually kill my father as a mission, but the instant their eyes connected, they were struck with love. My father was in the forest and he ran away from her, confused by the sensation he was feeling. My dad... He had a shell around him at one point in his life, he was a ruthless killer that drained the life from humans without a thought. They both were confused, distraught by their feelings. My mother was a stunning woman, but never had she felt for a man like she did for my father.

"About three days later, fate brought them together once again, at a club. They both ended up secluding themselves in one of the private rooms. They quickly fell in love then and their and decided they would sneak around to see eachother. Their love was so strong that they had to do this, they had to stay together no matter what.

"After three years, my mom and dad became engaged. That's pretty much when everything went downhill. My mother's family found out. They tried to kill my mom, my dad, they tried everything they could to pry the too apart, but the bond they shared couldn't be broken.

"So one night my mom and dad ran away, got married, moved around a lot, then after a year settled down and had me. To everyone I was a miracle, a half human-half vampire child isn't supposed to be possible. Normal children between pure vampire and a pure human end up either a full vampire, or a full human like my sister Sophie. I was always the different one in my family. I couldn't handle the same amount of blood as a normal vampire or else I would throw it up, my strength is more on the human side, and my senses are more or less on the vampire side. So everything inside of me is evened out. I'm not even sure if I can have kids..

"My family life was great. The town was a small community of vampires that all knew eachother. Things were just easy, great. I thought it would be this serene forever. But I was wrong.

"I was seven, my mom and dad just came home with my newborn sister Sophia. Everyone was overjoyed at her being born, we threw a party just in her honor. It was around eight at night, the party was over and the four of us were sitting in the livingroom, just watching Sophie.

"I hear a loud explosion and my dad instantly covered me, my mom, and Sophie's bodies. We all slammed into a wall from the force. I screamed, dazed and confused by what was going on.

"'Protect them.' my father whispered to me. Dad turned to see Aunt Ophelia holding a stake in her hand, ready to kill him. He stood up slowly and took two steps toward her, his hands raised in surrender.

"She sneered at the sight of me, my mom, and Sophia. 'I can't believe you had children with this monster.' she said, her eyes full of hate. She then turned to look at me and took out a second stake.

"Everything happened very quickly then: she jumped towards me, my father jumped towards her, and my mom and I screamed for my dad. A few short seconds later, after I reopened my closed eyes, I saw my aunt laying on the floor with a broken neck. And my dad... My dad was on the floor writhing in pain, a stake through his heart. I watched him spasm and blood come out from his lips. He didn't scream out in pain, all he did was lay there, slowly dying.

"My mother screamed and ran over to him after placing Sophie in my arms. She took the stake out from his heart, tears falling from her dark brown eyes. 'Please don't die.' She whispered, her voice clogged up. My father said something to her and they kissed.. Then he stopped moving and died right in my mom's arms.

I love my best friend.. Who is the vampire king. Since when did he become king?!Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang