Loving my best friend 6

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I am so sorry, I am a freshman in high school and trying to adjust is kinda hard so Wattpad (and my lovely fans) haven't been on my mind in a while.. And for that I am sorry.. I will update once a day since I have about twenty two chapters written for this story at the moment..

And another thing is, this one person is really ticking me off saying that they didn't like the way the chapter ended and they didn't mean to vote. I'm not trying to sound mean but if you do not like the chapter then just stop reading my story. It's annoying to see comments like that and has me thinking about just redoing the whole story and I don't want to put my fans on hold again. That's all.

Vote and Comment-Share too!!! :)


Chapter Seven

"Get up slave! You have to help me cook and serve breakfast!" I hear a shrill voice scream into my ear.
I jump up quickly, almost falling off the bed in my haste.
I look up to see Malia, glaring at me in hate.
"It's time to cook breakfast, human." She says again.
I get out of bed and quickly wash up, then change into the uniform. The uniform is basically a black t-shirt, with a pair of washed out gray denim shorts, and matching sneakers. All of the other maids have their shirts tighter and their v-necks lower to show off their breasts for the boys. I don't, I don't even care about my appearance anymore.
It has been two days since I became Sky's slave. He has called me into his room to try to talk to me, but I only cleaned his room.. I know he wants to be friends again, but I have to resist.. I have to..

 My door opens to Tim, one of the male servants, staring at me.
"Yes, Tim?" I ask him, sweetly.
He is one of the only servants/ maids that like me here. Everyone else hates me because they think Sky-I mean King Skyler is treating me differently, more special than the other ones.

 "King Skyler wants to see you." He tells me.

 I nod and Malia growls.
I quickly make my way away from the enraged Malia and take Tim's outstretched hand. It's not as if I like Tim in that way, but it's comforting.

 He takes my hand and we walk to King Skyler's room, leaving the annoyed Malia far away from us.

 "So how are you?" He asks me, his icy blue eyes twinkling with happiness.

 "I'm fine.. Better that you're here." I say with a smile.
He chuckles. Seconds later, we stop in front of the door. Tim opens it and we enter to see King Skyler sitting at his desk, his chocolate colored eyes staring at the window.
"I brought Avonlea, King Skyler." Tim says.
I tighten my hand in his, fear overwhelming my senses in that instant.

 Why am I here? I mean he didn't call for me two weeks ago.. So why now?

 King Skyler turns around and I keep my face as emotionless as possible. His chocolate brown eyes penetrate my soul but I just stand there, not actually wanting to be here right now. His eyes flash over to Tim, then fall to our entwined fingers. A low growl leaves his lips suddenly, causing a chill to run down my spine.
"Release her hand," He says in a threatening manner.
I shake my head. "I feel quite comfortable with his hand in mine, thank you." I snap before Tim can say anything.

 King Skyler looks up and glares at me, looking as if ready to snap my neck off.

 I only shrug at his glare. He's the one who kept me here.. So why should he have any respect?

 "Release her hand now, Timothy." He demands. I notice his fangs sharpen and lengthen into sharp points.
He must be really angry... And why should he be? I am the one who is forced to be a slave for my own so called 'best friend'.
Tim gives me a look and I sigh before releasing his hand.

I love my best friend.. Who is the vampire king. Since when did he become king?!Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora