Loving my best friend 5

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Hey my lovely fans.. Here is chapter five!!

And I'm on the What's Hot List!!! That makes me happy!! :)

I hope you all like it! :)

Chapter Five

I stare at Sky in shock. "For how long?" I ask.

 "For two years.." He says, not looking at me.
"Why...did you keep this from me? I'm not mad, Sky.. You must have a reason..
" Sadly, I can never get mad at Sky.. He's too... Sky..
I casually rest my hand on his cheek, feeling safe in his arms. He looks down at me with those chocolate brown eyes, I love..

 "In the world of supernaturals, we have a thing called soulmate. A soulmate is your other half, the one person you can't live without.. They are like your air, once they are taken away you can't breathe.. You want to love them and take care of them forever.." He explains to me, stroking my hair, his fingers tugging a little on my strands.
"What does that have to do with me?" I ask.
"Well since I spend so much time with you.. People will think that you're my soulmate.." He replies softly.
I feel a pang at my heart.. I'm not his soulmate? I stare into Sky's chocolate brown eyes and scan them.
"So is Olivia your soulmate?" I ask him.

 He gulps, his adam's apple bobbing up and down.

 "Yes, she is.." He tells me.
I feel a few tears leak from my eyes, an overwhelming sadness consuming me. Sky has a soulmate.. I cannot be with him.. Olivia is his soulmate.. She must have been lying just to torture me. Are my feeling for Sky so transparent? Does he know that I love him?
"Avon don't cry.." Sky says.
I quickly decide to play off the tears as anger. I stand up quickly.
"You didn't tell me about your soulmate, you didn't tell me about being a supernatural being, and you didn't tell me about being the King of Vampires! Do you have anything else, Skyler!?" I yell at him, my hands balling into fists. He stands up also, his chocolate brown eyes full of sadness. I look away so I don't get sucked in by them.
"Avon, calm down.. Calm down, please." Skyler tells me softly. He pulls me into his arms, hugging me to him.
"Let me go, Sky.." I mumble into his chest, trying to push myself away.
"Calm down.." He whispers in my ear, causing a shudder of desire to run down my spine.

 I cannot give into Sky.. Not this time, not ever again..
"I don't want to calm down! Let me go!" I scream into his chest. I shove him and he let's go of me, stumbling backwards in surprise.

 "You've lied to me my whole life, Skyler Brooks and I cannot take it anymore! I don't want any more lies unraveled! I just.. I can't do this anymore, Sky.. We need to go our seperate ways.. You're going to start a family with... Olivia and I'm might go and visit some of my family in Japan, maybe even live there for a few years.." I tell him.
He stays silent for a few moments as if battling with himself.

 "You're right, I have lied to you and caused you so much pain.. But that doesn't mean we can't still be friends." He tells me.
"But you said that people will think I'm your soulmate if we stay so close, and I will most likely get hurt if people try to get to you through me. So I think it would be best if we went our separate ways so no one gets hurt." I contradict.

 Even though, I'm the one who is truly getting hurt at the moment, I think to myself.
"I will have my guards protect you. No one will hurt you, Avon." He says, soothingly, trying to coax me into not leaving.

 His voice is tempting me to go against my word and stay here with him, watch him get married, watch him have kids and I will stay all alone never being able to get over him. Staying like that for eternity.

I love my best friend.. Who is the vampire king. Since when did he become king?!Where stories live. Discover now