Loving my best friend 18

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Chapter Eighteen

-Avonlea's POV-

I wake up to someone tracing my spine.

"Wake up, my love.." A soft voice whispers in my ear. I feel soft, quick fingers touch my stomach, a warm sensation tracing the bare skin.

I open my eyes to see pale fingers touching my bare stomach. I smile remembering last night. "Good morning, Avonlea.." Chase whispers in my ear. He nuzzles the hallow under my ear causing a moan to leave my lips.

"Was last night...okay?" I ask him softly.

"You were perfect, Avon.." He answers.

I turn around to stare at my boyfriend who I just made love to. I press my hand to his cheek and blush. 

"I love you.." He tells me.

"I love you too, Chase.." I respond. 

"Will you stay with me forever?" He asks me, his silver eyes filled with love for me and only me.

"Only if you choose not to leave me.." I tell him.

"Never.. You are my life.."

Then he swoops in for a kiss.

It is now September 3rd... The day of my wedding.. I am getting married to Chase Grey Turner. He has been my boyfriend for two years and my fiancé for one. We both have a child together, Blake Ashling Turner. He is the love of my life, besides Chase, and three years old. He is the most loving child you have ever seen.

"Momma!" Blake yells.

I turn to my son and smile at him. "What is it?" I ask.

"We have no time for this!" Melinda yells in my ear.

I flinch. Mel is still the same; loud and completely insane, but you learn to love her. "Mel, seriously.." I mumble. Blake gives Mel a look, pouting his bottom lip and his light blue-silver eyes staring at her.

"I wanna talk to Momma!" He yells at her.

"Queen Ariane and King Journey are going to be at the wedding!! We have no time for you!!" Mel yells back.

Sarah enters the room at the exact second Blake starts crying. She sighs and picks him up.

"Auntie Melly is being mean, Aunt Blue." Blake cries into Sarah's shoulder.

Sarah only sighs once again. "How about we leave Mel with Mommy and we can go get ready?" She tells him then they both leave the room.

I glare at Mel. "Why are you so mean to Blake?" I ask her.

She gives me a death glare. "We have to get you ready for your wedding. I have been waiting for this day for years; nothing is going to screw up today." She snaps back.

I just nod my head before easing into the chair and letting the make-up artists and hair dresser to their job. After being plucked and picked at for years, I have gotten used to it.

For some strange reason, King Skyler stepped down around three years ago and his sister, Princess Ariane, married her soulmate, Journey, and they had to become King and Queen of the Vampires. No one has seen or heard from him since, no one knows why he even stepped down in the first place. I wonder if he is alright.. He seemed like a very nice person the few times I met him.

I never expected to become pregnant so early in my life. I mean having Blake was a big shock to me. With my modeling career going so well I didn't expect for me to have a baby at the age of eighteen. But over some time, I learned how to love the baby growing inside of me and couldn't wait for him to come out of me. The press went crazy over my pregnancy, always outside of Chase's house waiting for me to leave so they can take pictures of my growing belly. Chase was overjoyed when he found out that I was having his child. He bought every possible thing and always worried over me. It became very annoying actually.

I love my best friend.. Who is the vampire king. Since when did he become king?!Where stories live. Discover now