Loving my best friend 16

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C.hapter Sixteen

-Avonlea's POV-

After I explain how I killed Raoul, Chase is quivering in uhhyy.

I grab his hand and entwine our fingers. "Chase, calm down.." I tell him.

His silver eyes flicker over to my face, the gaze filled with rage.

"He tried to make you one of his brides.." He hisses.

I look around the restaurant to only see another couple on the far side of the room.. I don't want Chase to stain his reputation and lose his job..

"Chase, he didn't harm me.." I tell him softly, trying to get my boyfriend to calm down.

That's actually a lie. Raoul did harm me, but I'm not telling him that.

Chase stares at me for a few moments then visibly relaxes. He lifts our entwined hand and brushes his lips against my knuckles. I blush at the sudden movement.

"I love you," Chase whispers along my knuckles. His tone is full of sincerity.

I can't help the giddy smile that appears on my lips.

"I love you too, Chase.." I whisper softly.

Me and Chase finish our lunch and leave the restaurant doors to meet a large crowd of screaming fan girls. Chase's bodyguards immediately surround us, keeping the girls no closer than three feet. I instantly clutch Chase's arm, half shielding myself from their view. The screams of teen girls fill my ears, causing me to cringe at the high pitched squeals.

"It's okay, Avonlea. Just stay close to me." He whispers in my ear.

He wraps an arm around my waist, pushing me close to his warm, firm body. I clutch him closer and we walk towards the limo. After about five minutes, we are sitting safely inside the limo, the sound of screams and squeals muffled.

"Are you alright?" Chase asks me softly while rubbing soothing circles onto my back.

I give him a timid smile. "I'm fine.. Just kind of shocked and flustered.." I tell him.

I rest my forehead against his own, staring into those lovely deep silver eyes.

"As long as you're alright.." He says softly.

"I am." I reply just as soft.

He gives me a swift peck on the cheek. I then receive delicate kisses on my neck. I shiver in pleasure and bite my lip. He inhales deeply then groans softly.

"You smell so good.." He mumbles against my skin.

Warmth covers my body at his warm breath brushing my soft skin. I only nod wordlessly. I place my hands in his hair, burying my fingers deep into the locks. Chase's hips buck and his fangs scrape across my skin. I moan softly, clutching him closer.

I can't believe I'm doing this with this man that loves me. I never knew I would end up having someone that loves me... Or someone that could love me so much.. I know it's cliché to think but he sends butterflies throughout my stomach whenever I look at him, fire runs through my body whenever we touch.

The tip of Chase's sharp fangs prick the skin above my pulse point. I shiver in desire. He moves to the other side of my neck then returns to the other side, brushing my pulse again.

"You smell delicious." He whispers.

He tightens his hold on me, molding us together into one person. He growls lowly, his lips pressing tightly against my skin. Then he suck on it, causing a loud moan to escaped my lips.

Then something hits me.

"Are you...thirsty, Chase?" I ask softly.

He stops moving for a moment, like a deer in headlights.

"You can drink from me.." I offer.

He tenses up and pulls me back so I'm at arms length.

"I will never drink from you, I love you too much to hurt you.." He tells me sincerely.

I give him a disapproving look noticing the look of hunger in his eyes. Before Chase can stop me, I take my nail and cut the base of my neck, deep enough that blood comes out.

Chase's nostrils flare at then scent and he pushes me away roughly, and I hit the floor with a thud.

I sigh before sitting on my bum. I take my hand and place it on my cut, gently pressing down onto the wound. Blood coats my fingers after a short minute. Then I lift my hand to the trembling Chase.

"No, Avonlea.. Please.." He says, his voice cracking a few times.

"Take it, I'm offering.." I tell him firmly.

I move myself into his lap and offer my hand coated in my own crimson blood. His silver eyes are distraught, but hunger still present in their depths.

"Avonlea.. Don't do this.. I don't want to h-hurt you.." He mumbles, his eyes locked on my bloody fingers.

I see his sharp fangs peeking out from his lips. I press my fingers onto his full bottom lip. Chase trembles, as does his hand, and he lifts it up to hold the wrist of my bloody hand. I let it go limp in his grasp.

His lips part and his pink tongue darts out to touch the tip of my finger, a spot of where my blood is. He moans softly, his eyes brightening at just that one taste. He licks my fingers clean in a few short moments, shuddering while doing so. I quiver because I'm actually getting pleasure from him licking my fingers, and watching him doing so.

He looks up at me with hunger-filled eyes.

"I... I need your blood.." He whispers.

I tilt my head to the right, exposing my neck.

"Take whatever you need.." I reply.

Then his fangs sink into my tender flesh.

-Skyler's POV-

I wake up to an immense pain in my stomach. I bite my lip, almost tearing threw it at the pain. I feel as if my stomach is being burned alive, the flames spreading to lick at my torso.

"Oh fuck.." I groan in pain.

Olivia stirs beside me. "What's wrong?" She asks me.

I rub her back. "I'm fine." I reply.

I am lying at the moment but I can't let her know about this.. This is a reaction to me being without Avonlea for so long.. Especially since we kissed, we established a connection that should go away in a short while-hopefully.

"I'm just gonna go to the bathroom, stay asleep.." I tell her.

She nods sleepily and rolls over to her other side.

I slowly make my way to the bathroom, gritting my teeth and trying not to double over in pain. I close the door once I'm finally in here.

I moan in pain, my nails almost tearing into the flesh of my abdomen at the pain.

I have had these pains before but never to this degree.. Why now?

Is it because I slept with Olivia?

A fresh wave of pain envelopes me and I collapse onto my knees, trying to hide a scream behind my lips. I dig my nails into the tile floor, scraping off some of the paint-but who cares? I'm in pain.

Darkness starts to creep around my vision as the pain becomes worse.

I groan quietly, before darkness completely takes over my vision.

Dear Lord, please don't let me die...

I love my best friend.. Who is the vampire king. Since when did he become king?!Where stories live. Discover now