Loving my best friend 7

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Chapter Seven

I wake up to someone bouncing up and down on my bed. I open my eyes to see my mother doing the deed, looking more my age then her own.

"Mom! Stop!" I yell at her.

She does a large jump then lands on the floor perfectly. I wish I had half of the grace she has.

"I want to take you to one of my photo shoots in Tokyo." She tells me.

I give her a look that says 'tell me the real reason'.

"I gave my agency your picture and they love your look and since you are my daughter they want to send you with me to California for a photo shoot. Please?" She asks, widening her dark brown eyes like a doe.

I shake my head. "No, Mom. I'm not meant to be a model." I tell her. "Why can't Lizzie go? She's the one who wants to be a model.."

"Why are you offering this to Avonlea, Mom!" I hear Lizzie yell from the doorway.

I glance over to see Lizzie with a dark glare on her face and her perfectly manicured hands on her hips.

"Because with your diva attitude you will ruin your reputation before it even gets started." Mom replies.

Lizzie glares at her. "I can act nice if I want too."

"Anyways Avon will be doing ads that require her body type: thin but curvy, with rounded breasts and a big bust. You are thin but as straight as a board, with small breasts and too small of a bust. This conversation is over, Avonlea you are getting up right now and coming with me to California, now get up." She grabs my arm pulling me up with unimaginable strength for such a small person.

"Mom. I don't want to... I really don't." I tell her.

"Doesn't matter. We're leaving. And I will get my body guards to drag you if I have to.." She says while dragging me towards the door.

"Mom!" Lizzie whines.

"Your father agrees with my decision to let Avonlea to modeling. You can try if you want to Elizabeth but you will just be rejected by the agencies because of your attitude!" Our mother snaps.

Lizzie jerks out of the doorway in surprise. She is used to being pampered, not
yelled at.

I scramble onto my feet but my mother refuses to let go of my arm and walks me down the staircase, like a child.

"What about Skyler, Avonlea? You're just going to leave him?" Lizzie yells at me, her shrill voice piercing the air.

I froze, forcing my mother to stop with me. I spin around to face my sister, who is standing at the bottom of the staircase.

"I do not know a Skyler." I tell her.

I truly don't know a Skyler. I have never heard that name before.

"So you're going to forget him like that? What a nice best friend you are." She sneers.

I tilt my head to the side in confusion. "I truly have no clue what you're talking about." I say truthfully.

She rolls her eyes. "Whatever. But don't cry when I start dating him." She says in a snotty attitude, before stomping back up the staircase.

I turn to Mom. "Who is she talking about? Who is Skyler?" I ask.

"It is nothing, Avonlea. Don't worry yourself about it." She says in a tone that says drop it.

She finally releases my arm and I follow her to the door. It slams open suddenly, causing me to jump in fright. In the doorway, is a girl who looks around my age with caramel skin, jet black hair, and jade green eyes.

"Avon, how could you forget about Sky?" I hear her ask in a hurt tone.

I stare at her in confusion. "I do not know a Skyler... And who are you?" I ask polietly.

Her face turns into one of rage. "You forgot me too!? Just because Skyler ran away doesn't mean you have to forget us! I am your best friend, Avonlea!! I know you're hurting right now!!" She roars at me.

I flinch back in fear. "I have no clue what you're talking about. Are you and Skyler people I played with when I was younger?" I ask in a voice filled with fear.

I hear a low growl come from her lips. I stare at her in shock. Humans don't growl, only animals do so. Is she human?

"Ariane, you need to talk to Skyler.. He will explain, but right now you need to leave and calm down." My mother says calmly, as if this mystery girl's mood isn't affecting her.

The girl closes her eyes and someone appears next to her a few seconds later. I jump in surprise. Where did that person come from?

The person does not show their face but I can see caramel colored skin man with a tall, firm structure and midnight black colored hair. Maybe these two are brother and sister?

The man leans down in hear ear and whispers something I cannot hear.

I strangely want to walk up to the man. I find my feet walking toward him, without my consent, and stopping right in front of him. He tenses up instantly, but doesn't turn to face me. I notice something shimmer around his neck. My fingers delicately pick up the gold necklace, being careful not to touch his skin in the process. The necklace is thin and looks like a normal necklace a guy would wear; nothing too flashy, nothing too bold, just plain and simple..

 But something is different about this necklace.. I can't place my finger on it though..

"Please.. Stop.." The male says huskily. A shiver runs down my spine at the sound of his voice, my heart immediately starts to flutter, and my knees turn to jelly. Why is my body reacting like this? Who is this person?

I have no recollection of seeing these people before.. None at all..

I reluctantly release the necklace and step back until I'm beside my mother. I hear rushed footsteps come from the staircase.

"Sky!" I hear my sister scream in happiness. Next thing I know, Lizzie is hugging the male..

That must be one of her boyfriends that I barely pay attention too.

"Mom, we can go now." I tell her.

Mom smiles weakly at me, her eyes full of stress.

"Yes, let's do so.." She replies.

We walk around the ground to the limo waiting for us in the front. I allow my mother to get into the seat first. Then I sit down.

Outside of my window, I see chocolate brown eyes stare at me from my doorway. They captivate me instantly, sucking me into their depths even though they are so far away.

Then our contact is broken when my sister pops up in front of him and kisses him right on the lips. I look away, not wanting to intrude on their moment.

That is when the limo pulls out of the driveway, I blink twice before turning to focus on the interior of the luxurious limo.

Then I lean down to look at myself, blushing furiously after I examine myself.

I can't believe all of that happened while I was still in my pajamas..

I love my best friend.. Who is the vampire king. Since when did he become king?!Where stories live. Discover now