Loving my best friend 19

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Chapter Nineteen

"Daddy, who was that man?" Blake asks Chase, as we are sitting in the back of a limo.

I look up at Chase, seeing his lips in a tight line. "It was former King Skyler," He answers. I lift my hand and place it on his chest, trying to calm him.

"Why was he here? Why did he touch Mommy?" Our son questions.

Chase shakes his head. "I have no idea, Blake."

Around a half an hour later, Blake is asleep and I turn to Chase wondering what exactly is going on.

"Chase," I whisper softly.

"He wants you, Avonlea. I have no idea why, but he wants you. I refuse to let a former king break up my family." He growls viciously, pulling me into his lap. My fiancé-no my husband nuzzles his face into my neck, trying to calm himself.

"I love you," I whisper, pressing a kiss to his neck.

He moans softly and tightens his hands on my waist. "As I love you, my wife."

I can't help but smile in awe that I am now Avonlea Turner, Mrs. Turner.

"We're going to have to go on our honeymoon to France a little early so we can get away from King Skyler," Chase whispers.

"What about Blake?" I ask.

"Mel and Sarah will watch him, it just needs to be me and you for a while."

I look up at him and smile, just happy to spend some time with Chase.

Does that mean King Skyler will come for me?

Suddenly Chase's phone rings and he pulls it out, not bothering to look at the caller. 

"Pass it over." Chase mumbles. 

"Hello?" Chase asks, removing his lips from my neck.  

I sigh and snuggle closer to him, getting a chuckle from Chase.  

"No, King Skyler. I wasn't laughing at you, I was laughing at Avonlea." Chase reassures. 

It is silent for around twenty minutes before Chase is up and across the room, snarling into the receiver. 

"No! This cannot be true!" He growls.  

I sit up quickly. "Chase... Chase, what's going on?" I ask in confusion. 

He keeps his back to me, ignoring my presence completely. 

"Chase?" I ask again. 

He snarls lowly, causing a shiver to run down my spine. I get out of bed and make my way over to him, then press one hand to his bare back. He relaxes under my touch.  

"I won't give her up.. You gave her up and I will love her and cherish her.." Chase whispers sincerely.  

I wrap my arms around his waist and practically twirl him around. His eyes look panicked, and horror-stricken.  

I take the phone from Chase's hand.  

"King Skyler?" I ask.  

It is a few extra seconds before I get an answer.  

"Yes, Avonlea?" He answers. I notice a slight quiver in his voice.  

"What are you bothering Chase about? Is it about me?"  

"Avonlea don't-"  

I shush Chase with a quick kiss.  

"Avonlea.." King Skyler whispers, his voice filled with pain. 

I love my best friend.. Who is the vampire king. Since when did he become king?!Where stories live. Discover now