The relatives are coming

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Vaggie paced back and forth in her room, her frustration palpable in the air. Charlie, holding her infant son Y/N in her arms, entered the room with a concerned expression. Angel Dust followed behind, curious about the commotion.

"Vaggie, what's wrong?" Charlie asked, her voice filled with genuine care.

Vaggie stopped her pacing and turned to face them, her eyes filled with frustration. "My sister is coming to visit," she grumbled, her tone laced with annoyance.

Angel Dust shrugged, not fully understanding the gravity of the situation. "So what? Family visits can be fun, right?"

Vaggie rolled her eyes and let out an exasperated sigh. "You don't understand, Angel. My sister is... intolerable. She's annoying, hypocritical, and a total psycho."

Charlie's eyebrows furrowed, concern etching deeper into her features. "Why do you say that, Vaggie?"

Vaggie crossed her arms and began listing off her sister's infuriating traits. "For starters, she's a health addict and a clean addict. She holds cleanliness standards that nobody can ever hope to achieve. It's like she expects everyone to live in a sterile, hospital-like environment. She's so bossy, always telling people what to do."

Angel Dust chuckled, trying to lighten the mood. "Sounds like she could use a visit to the Happy Hotel. Maybe we can help her loosen up a bit."

Vaggie shot him a glare. "Don't even joke about that, Angel. Trust me, you do not want to be around her when she's in one of her moods. It's a nightmare. Always acting like she knows better!"

"My brother in laws pointless lectures and overbearing personality drive me up the wall. And to top it off, they bring their equally intolerable daughter with them—a rude, obnoxious little brat who seems to enjoy making everyone's life miserable."

Charlie exchanged a concerned look with Vaggie, understanding the weight of the situation. "I get it, Vaggie. Family can be tough sometimes, but we're here for you. Maybe we can find a way to make the visit more bearable."

Vaggie's face softened as she realized the support she had from Charlie and Angel Dust. "Thanks, guys. I appreciate your understanding. Maybe we can come up with a plan to navigate this situation without losing our minds."

Charlie nodded, a determined look on her face. "Absolutely. Let's brainstorm and figure out some strategies. Maybe we can set some boundaries and communicate our needs to your sister and her family."

Angel Dust chimed in, his mischievous smile returning. "And if worse comes to worst, we'll always have a secret stash of distraction and tolerance up our sleeves, right?"

Vaggie couldn't help but smile at Angel Dust's lightheartedness. "That might just be the key to surviving this visit."

As Y/N, the infant son of Charlie and Vaggie, reached over to Vaggie, his little hand stretched out, Vaggie's frustrations melted away. She paused in her pacing, her attention immediately captured by the adorable sight.

Vaggie's face softened into a warm smile as she carefully took Y/N's tiny hand into her own. She marveled at the innocence and purity in his eyes, feeling a surge of love and protectiveness well up within her. In that moment, all her worries and anxieties about the impending family visit seemed to fade into the background.

Gently cradling Y/N in her arms, Vaggie felt a wave of calm wash over her. She realized that no matter how challenging her relatives might be, her own little family within the Hazbin Hotel was a source of strength and joy. Y/N's presence served as a reminder of the love that surrounded her every day.

Charlie and Angel Dust, observing the heartwarming scene, joined Vaggie and Y/N, forming a small circle of support and affection. They understood the power of love and unity, and together they created a safe haven within the chaotic world they inhabited.

In that moment, Vaggie knew that no matter what challenges her family visit would bring, she had the love and support of her chosen family to guide her through. And with little Y/N's innocent touch, she felt a renewed determination to face her relatives with grace and patience, knowing that the bonds they shared in the Hazbin Hotel were stronger than any temporary frustration.

With a sense of peace and resilience, Vaggie held Y/N close, cherishing the precious connection they shared. The love they felt within the Hazbin Hotel would always be their anchor, helping them weather any storm that came their way.

Her little devil (Hazbin Hotel x Male baby reader)Where stories live. Discover now