A) Aftercare

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[What he is like after sex]

Debito cares a lot for you: he always wants to make sure you're doing alright and that nothing is wrong with you, no matter what the issue might be. This is a side of him you see all the time, as he applies it to his daily life, in all aspects of your relationship. And that also includes your sex life, that intimate life you share once night falls. During the act, most of the time, he'll check up on you every now and then, to ask you whether this position or that movement hurts; when he's deeply focused on what he is doing, he may not always think of asking you for approval to do something beforehand and may go for it without a second thought instead, but even in those instances, he will eventually make sure you're enjoying it. This feeling of care he has for you also and especially comes out afterward, after the two of you have finished, once you're both ready to call it a night: he may be panting, he may feel exhausted, both physically and mentally, and he may be sweaty, but he'll always bring you close to him, allowing you to snuggle against him fully, running his hands over your body, and checking up on you to make sure everything went well on your end. He will think of you before thinking of himself, so even if certain things did not go his way during the act, you won't hear him complain about them, instead hearing his gentle voice ask you how you liked it. Although it's not something you do every time, you sometimes happen to switch roles, deciding to take care of him instead of letting yourself get taken care of: you want to repay all the care he gives you, and you know that deep down, although he never asks you for it, he highly appreciates your affection after sex, feeling your hands hold him tight as your voice rewards him with words of love, telling him how good he did and how much you love him. And on some other nights, the two of you take care of each other, caring for each other under the sheets.

Mini Scene

"Now, now, Bambina..."

Panting lightly, I closed my eyes as I lay on the mattress, my limbs numb and my body weak. Although he was panting too, his breath sharp, Debito lay next to me, after which I felt his arms reach out to me and grab hold of my body: firmly yet with care, he brought me close to him, to his bare chest, and I snuggled against him. My body temperature was through the roof, and so was his, but I remained pressed against him nonetheless, craving his embrace too much to pull away, at the risk of overheating.

"There..." He softly murmured into my ear as he ran a hand through my hair.

I listened to the soothing sound of his voice and managed to slow down the rhythm of my breaths.

"You were fantastic tonight, amore mio." He added, still so close to my ear, so close it gave my skin goosebumps.

As I opened my eyes back, I felt both of his hands reach down for my face, pulling me out from the crook of his neck; tenderly, he made me look up at him before he brought my whole body up so my face could be to his eye level. Now face-to-face with him, I stared into his amber eye, of a deep brown color in the darkness of the bedroom.

"... But you shouldn't have pushed yourself so hard." He added as he slowly shook his head. "I saw the look on your face, I saw it was hurting you."

I pouted as I avoided his gaze, admiring his silver hair instead, covering part of his face and slightly sticking to his forehead with sweat.

"It was nothing, really." I told him in a reassuring tone of voice. "It wasn't that painful, don't worry. Besides, if it's for you..."

Debito scoffed lightly, almost inaudibly, before he held my face by the chin and leaned in to kiss me, making his burning lips meet mine one more time, just as passionately as he did a few minutes prior, when his body was still over mine.

"I know you give it your all for me, amore." He whispered as he pulled away from our kiss. "But I do worry, because I don't want you to hurt yourself... alright?"

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