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[How quick he is to fall asleep after sex]

At the end of the day, sexual intercourse rests on science- and biology-related elements, such as the fact that certain chemicals are released within an individual's body after they've finished the act; one of the main ones is oxytocin, among others. The bodily reaction of feeling relatively sleepy after sex is common between both men and women, but it's often stronger for men, hence why they usually tend to fall asleep rather quickly after having had sex. However, this isn't necessarily the case for Debito, as he easily has control over how fast or slow it can take him to fall asleep afterward. Obviously, this only concerns sex sessions when they take place during the night, since when he and his partner have sex during the day, he goes back to whatever it is he was doing, though sometimes he does decide to head to his bedroom at the Family manor to take a short nap; but then again, that's something he does on a daily basis, even without having intercourse. So, when it comes to late-night sessions in bed, how quick he is to fall asleep depends on his mood and how he's feeling, in addition to whether he's feeling particularly exhausted or not on a physical level. But, most importantly, it always depends on his partner, on how you're feeling afterward and on whether you wish to stay awake or not: if you tell him you'd like to cuddle or talk for a little while longer, then he will stay up, otherwise he will fall asleep rather quickly. In those instances, when you want the two of you to keep each company after having finished the act, Debito does not fall asleep until you have, and usually spends this time stroking your hair until you do find sleep. In brief, Debito could very well decide to stay up for long afterward if he wanted to, and it takes him an average of just a couple of minutes when he decides to fall asleep quickly, otherwise it takes him an average of 10 minutes when staying awake with you.

Mini Scene

"... Are you asleep yet, Bambina?"

Debito's voice spoke up with suddenness, but the tone of his voice was extremely gentle. It was pitch black in the room, complete darkness surrounding us, but the night was far from being calm: although we often enjoyed keeping the window half open at nighttime to let some fresh air inside the room while we slept, we were unable to that night. The window's glass was growing more and more covered with raindrops, all while the wind blew loudly against it, and it went on and on.

I opened my eyes slowly, staring at the dark around me, before I moved my limbs just slightly, my back gently rubbing against Debito's chest.

"... No." I answered in a voice so quiet it was almost inaudible.

"I assumed as much." He whispered with a soft sigh. "I take it you can't sleep?"

"Yeah." I replied with a brief nod. "I know we just had sex, so my mind should be empty and clear of worries, but..."

"You just can't help thinking about everything that's been troubling you lately?" Debito said, finishing my sentence.

With his body spooning mine, I leaned back further, embracing his bare chest with my naked back, and closed my eyes again.

"Yes. And the storm outside isn't really helping, either..."

The bedroom then fell silent again, set aside the loud weather that raged outside. Debito did not add anything, I could only hear his warm breath, feeling it against the back of my nape, sending shivers down my spine; my spine, which felt secure against his torso, and which warmed up my entire body. While one of his arms was lying underneath my head, his other was resting on my body, on my legs, the palm of his hand providing me with a sense of comfort.

Then, still within the silence, his fingers began moving slowly, caressing the surface of my bare skin with their tips, soothing me into peacefulness.

"Don't worry, amore mio." Debito lovingly murmured into my ear. "I'm here, with you, and I'll stay awake by your side for as long as you need me."

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