J) Jack Off

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[How he feels about masturbation]

Some people don't always see the appeal and purpose in masturbating once they enter a relationship with someone: these people perceive masturbation as something that's done when you're single, when you have no one to have sexual relationships with. And, for these people, it becomes useless and unnecessary once they get with someone else and develop a close relationship with them. However, this isn't the case for Debito and not the way he sees things: for him, simply because he's now in a relationship with you and has sexual intercourse with you doesn't mean he should stop masturbating, which is a practice he still exercises. Now, of course, he only does it occasionally, every now and then, and in comparison to how many times the two of you have sex, his solo sessions are much fewer, but it nonetheless remains something he does. Considering the two of you have a very close relationship and love each other dearly, you spend a lot if not most of your time together, whether it's throughout the day or at night: in fact, most nights, the both of you share a bed and sleep together, most of the time in Debito's room, as it satisfies both of you better than yours. As such, you have sex quite regularly and never hesitate to tell the other whenever you want or need it; and, of course, Debito appreciates having sex with you more than he does masturbating on his own. Nevertheless, it's something he finds essential, something he needs to keep doing, despite forming a tight couple with you. In a way, it's a means for him to have some alone time, to spend time with himself, by himself; and you know well this is in no way because he has trouble asking you for sex directly, which you know better than anyone isn't the case, as he never hesitates to come seek you and make advances to you. And, frankly, you understand him: you too happen to be needing some time on your own, every now and then, especially when he's not around.

Mini Scene

"Poor Debito, all alone for a few days..." I said in an overly dramatic tone while I opened my arms wide, just as dramatically. "What will he do without his Bambina? Will he manage to keep going despite her absence, to last long enough without her before she returns?"

Debito laughed, one of those genuine laughs that always made me smile and blush, that made me feel so many butterflies inside my stomach, even after all this time had passed.

My division and all of its members had to leave the manor and the rest of the Family for a few days, for a business trip, and that included me as well; consequently, for the duration of these few days, I would have to briefly part ways with Debito and leave him behind. Although I teased him and the two of us joked about it, a part of me truly was sad to be away from him for some time, and I knew he shared this feeling as well.

"Don't worry, Bambina." He started in a playful tone as he made his way closer to me. "I'll be just fine without you, I'll survive no problem."

I was in the process of gathering some of my most important belongings to put them in my luggage when Debito walked up behind me and hugged me from behind, circling my waist with both of his arms.

"Hmmm, yeah, you say that, but what about the nighttime?" I asked him with a teasing smile as I leaned back, straightening my back so that my body could fully embrace his. "Aren't you going to feel all alone and... craving, without me around?"

With his hands, he made me turn around completely, placing my body face-to-face with his: his amber-colored eye stared down at me, into my eyes, with a spark, before his lips slowly adopted the shape of a smile, a smile full of playfulness but also of desire.

"Don't you worry, amore mio." He started in a sensual voice while he tucked a strand of my hair behind my ear. "I'll make sure to think of you at night... when I'm alone and naked under the sheets, alone with the thought of you, fantasizing about your body..."

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